A Real Family

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I can’t believe I’m engaged now. I’m so excited. When he asked me I couldn’t believe it, but seeing the ring I knew it was for real. Pulling him towards the bed while we kissed was the best feeling because right now I know we are about to make love for the first time as an engaged couple. He let me lead but after almost ten minutes of teasing he quickly took over. Mumbling something in my ear I asked him what he said, “…condom Tay, where are they?” I looked into his eyes and brought him in for a kiss, “Don’t worry baby, birth control.” Smiling he was still unsure until I kissed him again as we took things to new heights. We got up at 8.30pm and bathed Mia and gave her a bottle then when she fell asleep at 9.21pm we put her to bed and turned the mobile on. Sweet musical sounds that Amos, Paul and Grant had made her came through and it warmed my heart. They were all busy at the moment but they needed to meet Louis too. He had been here for almost two months since it was nearly December. We left Mia to sleep, turning the baby monitor on as we left the room and then we crashed, me wrapped up in Louis’s arms with my head on his chest while he ran his hands through my hair whispering about how much he loves me. I smile as sleep over comes me.

The crying of Mia woke us abruptly at 3.48am. I stumbled out of the bed, thankfully grabbing my robe on the way. Louis wasn’t far behind me with his pyjama bottoms on. Arriving in Mia’s room we were both met by a screaming baby and vomit for miles. I looked at Louis and he said to me, “I’ll clean up in here while you bath Mia and clean her up.” I nodded gratefully since he knows I’m not a fan of bodily fluids on things, this is the first time Mia has woken us up before 5.30-6.00am so I’m pretty happy. Making my way to her I carefully scoop her up, noticing for the first time that the vomit is all through her bed and the other crib is set up at my parents plus their cane basket and the porta cot is on the tour bus since we didn’t need it in New York since we stayed in a hotel and they provided us with a crib. “Oh no, Lou it’s in her bed too. All the extra stuff is at my parents, do you want me to get it?” Louis shook his head at me, “No don’t worry, its 4.00am now, let’s just get this cleaned up as best we can and she can sleep between us, some parents do that.” Smiling at Louis I said that it was fine and I took Mia downstairs to strip her in the laundry and wiping her face and body clear of vomit I then took her owl blanket that was on the back of the couch I wrapped her warmly then I put her in the baby sling so I could sort out the baby bath. She whimpered for bit then went back to just relaxing. After ten minutes I called out to Louis to bring me another pyjama onesie and nappy which he did. Both of us then stood and bathed Mia and while we dressed her lying on two towels on the counter since her room was gross. We carefully dressed her and rubbed her with baby lotion and after a bottle she was sleepy. Cradling her in my arms, all three of us went back to mine and Louis’s room and as Louis and I cuddled back down Mia went back to sleep again lying on my chest with her hands balled up into fists, it was so cute that Louis took a picture and posted it to Instagram with the comment of “Early morning wake up from miss Mia but looks like we are all comfortable now @taylorswift13.” I smiled at Louis and then gently placing my hands on Mia’s back I began to drift off all was well in the apartment until 8.00am when Louis’s phone blasting ‘Shake it off’ woke us all up again.

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