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Louis's P.O.V

Five Years Later...

"Dad have you seen my swimming bag?"  I turned to see Mia standing off to the side of the kitchen in the archway asking me about her swimming stuff. Looking around I turned left and right and then said. "No pumpkin sorry. Maybe try mom?" I happened to say just as Taylor came into the kitchen behind Mia holding the missing swimming bag. Mia immediately began to jump for joy and ran out of the kitchen. I turned to my wife of nearly six years and said, "Doesn't it drive you insane washing those damn things all the time and picking up after these brats..." I joked as I pulled her into me.

"Never, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything because I love it too much." I smiled as she kissed me and we made out a little. Pulling away only when the familiar pitter patter on the stairs caught my ears attention I watched as Taylor turned away and faced the stove and began to cook breakfast. Soon a little fireball was standing in-front of me. With curly blonde hair and striking blue eyes there was no doubt as to who their mother was. Leaning down so I was level with my child I said. "So Scarlett Hazel Tomlinson where are you rushing off too?" She grinned at me and said,

"To see Meredith daddy..." she answered in her adorable four year old voice. I stood up and shook my head but motioned towards the lounge. Looking around I couldn't believe how things had gotten better since the last child we had. Taylor had put down the spoon she had been eating Nutella from and stood in-front of me. I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, looking up at her I saw her smile reach her ears just as I felt a kick under my left hand. "Oh gosh she is kicking Tay..."

Taylor's P.O.V

The last five years have been filled with memories, hard work and sleepless nights. No I'm not talking about touring either. You see when the '1989 World Tour' finished in Australia at the end of 2015 I was pleased. I was pregnant again and wanted nothing more than to be in Hendersonville relaxing and watching Mia grow up. Five years later that is exactly what I have done. I asked Scott Borchetta if he minded waiting for another album to which he told me 'I would wait forever for another one of your songs Taylor but please not too long?' I had only laughed and promised to keep writing. Luckily for me things had been going great for Louis and I. Mia had turned five and started at Nannie Berry's Elementary where either Louis or I drove her every day, she swam on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and had Piano on a Tuesday. Friday's were family nights and usually Pizza night and my parents would come over and eat with us. They loved the kids.

Looking up from where I was sitting in my office I saw the photo album and as I pulled it down pictures seemed to flood back. I found pictures of when Scarlett had been born, three weeks early but healthy as a horse, then she was followed two minutes later by her twin sister Isobel Grace Tomlinson. Both were complete polar opposites of each other. Scarlet was the athletic one, into swimming and loved playing football with Louis while Izzy would rather play inside or bake with me, she was excited because she had just been given a violin from Aunt Caitlin who was teaching her to play it. I was so proud of Izzy polar opposite to her sisters who were little fireballs I welcomed the quiet nature of Izzy, neither Louis nor I could figure out why she was always quiet but we like it. It made her special. Now I was pregnant again, almost eight months and we chose not to find out the sex. I think Louis was hoping for another girl but I thought a boy may be nice but considering this pregnancy feels exactly the same as the last I think it's a girl too. People had told me that carrying boys was different to girls and I believed them, I often thought of the one we lost and where we would be with him or her but things were so wonderful I couldn't imagine being anywhere else and that was how I was living a life.



So thats the end of this story guys, I have been working on something new but this has been the soul focus for a while now. Hopefully over the next few days I can find a direction for the new story and post a chapter soon. Hope you enjoyed this story. Thanks for reading have a great day/night.

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