Bonding Time

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I walked inside after mom shooed me away and worries started to etch their way in, then I saw her. Sitting in my father’s arms, I made no noise but she turned her head towards me and began to cry. Dad was a bit shocked since he had his back to me and couldn’t see me. I watched as he began to rock and coo her but that made her cry louder so I made my presence known. Dad stood and I took the baby from him, propping her up on my shoulder she curled into my neck and calmed down straight away. Dad smiled and said, “Good job honey. I’m going to go help your mom, you settle with her.” I grinned as I sat down on the couch and settled her back into my arms, she was falling asleep slowly so I carefully rocked her and then she was out. Mom then came in laden with shopping bags and motioned for me to follow her upstairs. I did and as I followed my mom I watched my soon to be daughter in amazement.

Arriving in my room behind my mom I saw what Austin meant, he had set the crib and changing table against the wall beside my bed and the draws near my bathroom door. It was perfect. Mom was setting bags down on the floor and she motioned for me to follow her to her room so I did and there stood a beautiful cane baby bassinet that was already set up. I looked at my mom and she said. “I figured that you would need somewhere to put her while you sorted out the nursery room so I got your father to get this down from the attic, since we had given up hope of ever using it again.” I hugged mom as close as I could and whispered, “Thanks mommy, I’ll just put her down and then I’ll go do it.” Then as my mom left I turned my attention back to the bundle in my arms and said “In a few days it will just be me and you baby girl.” I put her down and covered her, switched on the baby monitor and took the other one with me.

Arriving back in my bedroom my mom was there and she said as soon as I walked in, “So what are you going to name her?” I was dumbfounded. ‘OMG what was I going to call her?’
“I’m not sure mom, do you have any ideas?”
“Oh honey what about the names you called your dolls. Like Charlotte Kate, Mia Jane, Leah Jane or Mia Sophie…” My eyes widened. I gasped slightly.
“OMG mom, that’s it. Mia Sophie Swift. That’s what I’ll call her.”
“That’s a great idea honey. Okay well I’ll leave you to sort a few clothes for her into the draws and some of the diapers and such into the changing table. But just know I’m insanely proud of you and I love you.” I smiled at my mom,
“I love you too, thanks for supporting me.” I watched her leave and then I turned to the many bags and sorted out a few onesies and dresses plus socks and a few singlets to leave here. I then made up the crib using the Winnie the pooh sheets and blankets and then I heard the snuffling sound coming from the monitor, that escaladed quickly to whimpering and just like that I was off down the hallway. Picking up Mia carefully I began to rock her as I walked. I eventually ended up downstairs where my mom had a bottle prepared for Mia. I took it and tested it on my wrist before settling down to feed her. She was so adorable and her little fingers reached out to touch the bottle. I moved my face down and kissed her tiny hand and her blue eyes flickered towards me. She was soon starting to nod off so I took the bottle away and took a small sheet and burped her before taking her upstairs to my room and putting her in her new crib. She was asleep instantly all tucked into her Winnie the Pooh sheets and blanket. She looked adorable. I was secretly pleased that while she slept I had googled how to burp, swaddle and change a baby. The most important thing to remember was that they were small and delicate like glass.

Austin’s P.O.V

It was after 6pm by the time dad and I got on the road back to Nashville with the stuff for the baby. I knew that she would be in good hands with Taylor and I couldn’t believe that Taylor was willing to take on a baby when her career is very demanding. Sure she has the next few months off since ‘1989’ is coming out in three weeks and then the tour doesn’t start again until March but I do worry for my sister. “What are you thinking about Austin?” dad asked from the passenger side.
“Oh nothing really, just Taylor and how brave she is.” Dad chuckled from the passenger side again.
“Austin, you don’t need to worry about your sister she has things under control, has done since she was sixteen. She knew what she wanted was a record deal then and now she is twenty four almost twenty five and she has what she used to want. But now she is looking for something new, this baby is that.” I glanced over at dad, he looked full of life. I knew he was right but I couldn’t help but think of all the times Taylor had called me because she needed advice, it was quite often until she asked me, “…from a guy’s perspective. What should I do?” to which I honestly answered her back with a “what do you want to do?” She admitted on TV that it’s been the best advice she has ever received.  I knew that I was over-reacting but I was a family guy. I needed strength and I get that from my sister.

Two hours later we were driving home, we had assembled the crib and changing table plus the draws in the bedroom Taylor asked us to put it all in, dad even feed Meredith and Olivia before we left which was nice. The ride home went fast and when we arrived back Taylor was just coming downstairs, baby monitor in hand moving towards the dining room where I smelt chicken pasta. I walked in and saw Taylor sit the monitor down on the bench and take a seat she looked at me and I saw her smile and motion to the seat next to her. I gladly sat down and while my parents talked Taylor whispered. “I need all the information that you have for Sammy, if you have it I need to know her birth date, last name and all that stuff.” I looked at her then realised it was so she could adopt the baby. “Sure Tay, did the little one go down okay? Dad was having heaps of fun.” Taylor’s eyes lit up as she nodded, “Yeah Mia went down in mom and dad’s room while I sorted out mine then I gave her a bottle, burped her and put her back down. She is an easy baby so far.” I knew my mouth was hanging open. “Mia? You called her Mia?” Taylor gave me a weird look, and then said,
“Yeah. Mia Sophie Swift once I adopt her. Why?” I grinned and shook my head.
“Nothing I love it. My niece’s name is Mia, I love it.”

An hour later, dinner was finished and Taylor had gone up to bed it was nearly 10.15pm when I went up to bed and heard Taylor getting ready for bed and talking or singing to Mia. Mom and dad were paused in the hallway but I went past them and said “Gosh leave her be. She is bonding.” They looked at each other stunned and nodded heading to their room and shutting the door. I followed suit and the house was quiet. The next thing I knew it was morning and I could hear things moving downstairs. The clock said 8.46am and I groaned and realised I wasn’t woken once in the night so maybe Mia had slept the whole night. Stumbling downstairs I was met by quiet voices talking as I came around the corner Taylor looked up, she was still in her pyjamas holding Mia and talking to mom. I smiled at her and sat down beside her. “Hey Austin, you have that information that I need?”
“Yeah sure Taylor I’ll write it down now.” A few minutes later I handed it to her.

Name: Sammy Olivia Owens
Birth Date: 05/03/1993
Address: 5648 South Ridge Street
Nashville 8979 USA

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