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Harry’s P.O.V

Standing on a street corner on a busy street my eye caught a newspaper stand that was selling magazines. Standing in front of them I took one down and stared at the headline. “One who…Zayn, Liam and Niall move onto bigger things…” It showed South America in the background and I was jealous then I saw another magazine. Picking that up the headline read “Tomlinson fun in Los Angeles…” It was a picture of Louis and Taylor with their daughter in a park having a picnic, Louis was holding Mia above him while he was lying down and Taylor was resting her head on his stomach. I was jealous and then the man selling said, “You touch, you buy. Three dollar ninety one.” I handed over the money and walked away sitting down I realised. ‘No one cares about Harry Styles anymore. I screwed up way too much.’ Without hesitating I hailed a taxi and headed for the airport to book a flight to London, I was heading home. For good.

Louis’s P.O.V

The view I was experiencing right now was amazing and I couldn’t believe that I could ever be so lucky. Taylor was resting her head on the window ledge in the plane and Mia had her head in the crook of Taylor’s neck. Snapping a photo for the photo album I also posted it to Instagram and Twitter. ‘Two lovely ladies out cold, what’s a man to do now? @taylorswift13’ Smirking I heard her phone ring in the notification as she woke up. “Hey there sleepyhead number one, ten minutes until we land.”
“Okay thanks Louis…” She then read the notification and saw the picture “…OMG Louis how could you? I look awful and you know it.” I chuckled and shook my head.
“No you don’t, you look wonderful. I love you Taylor.” I stated kissing her on the lips as the pilot said we were landing. She kissed me back and we settled back. Five minutes later we had landed and Mia was crying. I looked at Taylor who was consoling her. “You know babe, you would think she would be used to the plane by now eh?”
“Yeah I would have thought so, maybe she just doesn’t like it? Doesn’t matter we are home now.”

The morning of September first hit me like a tonne of bricks, at 12.36am to be exact. That was when I first heard Mia’s cries through the baby monitor. I noticed Taylor sprawled over me, her head on my chest like always. She claimed it was comfortable but if you could see the position you would call ‘bullshit’ like I had several times since we started dating. Groaning I lifted Taylor off of me and trying not to wake her and I was successful since she was used to sleeping on the road tours with bumps and bendy roads. Trudging along to the nursery I pushed open the partially closed door and Mia quietened down a bit until she saw me and she kept crying. ‘Oh great’ I thought to myself ‘it’s almost 1.00am and my daughter wants her mother and not me…great.’ I picked up Mia who kept squirming and scream crying which was practically hysterical and the one type of cry I hated since it sounded like someone was being murdered. I walked Mia round and round her room trying everything from bounce walking to singing and none of it was working. It was almost 2.15am and I was tired but she was still crying I had no idea what I was doing wrong so I changed her completely that included nappy, singlet and onesie since the was still hot during the days and nights as it cooled into Fall. It didn’t help so eventually by 2.56am I was exhausted so I padded down to mine and Taylor’s room with Mia and gently shook Taylor awake, “…what? What’s wrong Louis?”
“It’s Mia Tay, I’ve been up since 12.30am and she won’t stop crying, I’ve changed her nappy, singlet and onesie and nothing, I’ve walked her round and round and given her a bottle and nothing. What am I doing wrong?”

Taylor’s P.O.V

I felt Louis shake me awake and I instantly knew it wasn’t morning time yet, rolling over I was met with crying and a panicked Louis who had been up since 12.30am with Mia who was screaming and crying hysterically “…I’ve changed her nappy, singlet and onesie and nothing, I’ve walked her round and round and given her a bottle and nothing. What am I doing wrong?” I smiled at him and sat up while turning on the bedside light. “Nothing babe, here give her to me,” which he did. “Go back to sleep. Okay?”
“Sure Tay and that sounds wonderful…” I watched as he left my side of the bed to his own. Getting in he settled back down and glanced at the clock. “Wow, I almost forgot. Happy Birthday Mia!” Louis said to Mia as I had her between my legs and was rubbing circles on her chest. Smiling at Louis as he watched his daughter start to fall asleep so I smiled and kissed him then picked up Mia and settled back down onto the pillow, putting Mia between us while I turned off the light. I then picked her back up and wriggled into the middle, placing Mia on my chest where her cries disappeared and as I rubbed her back she fell asleep on me. “Wow babe, you got her to sleep. Maybe she was just missing you…” Louis mumbled as he faced me focusing on Mia in the darkened room.
“Maybe, but we should sleep it’s almost 3.30am.” With those last words all three of us slowly fell into peaceful dreamland.

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