Red Floor leads to White Walls and White Lights

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Taylor’s P.O.V

Louis had left me alone and put Mia to bed, I was grateful for the brief moment of silence until the doorbell rang, thinking it was the bodyguards I opened it without checking it first. All of a sudden I was pushed back into the apartment as a mop of brunette hair hit my vision. “Harry?” I mumbled as he came closer, “Got that right Taylor, now let’s finish that relationship properly.” I saw him reach for me as I quickly stood up and screamed for Louis, hearing his footsteps Harry came closer and as soon as he saw Louis he wrenched me towards him and punched me in the stomach, right where the baby was growing. “Taylor!” I heard Louis scream from behind me as everything moved in slow motion. The bodyguards at the door, Louis screaming for them to get rid of Harry and call an ambulance as I looked up into Louis’s eyes a warm sensation came over me, Louis was looking pale and a few minutes later the ambulance arrived and I was rushed out of the apartment but not before I saw the blood lying on the wooden floor of our apartment. “Hang in there Miss Swift we are going to the hospital.” With those last words echoing in my head I blacked out.

Louis’s P.O.V

I was pacing, back and forward never sitting never talking to anyone, true to her word my mum had arrived with the girls and they were taking care of Mia while I was at the hospital with Andrea and Scott. No one spoke then the phone rang, Andrea’s phone. “…okay I’ll tell him. Thank you officer.” Andrea then approached me and said that the police had Harry in custody and depending on how this worked out he could go to jail. I nodded and said; a very small thanks before pacing more and more. Finally three hours later the doctor approached us. It was Doctor Wilson, he shook his head and said “I’m sorry Louis; there was nothing I could do. Taylor miscarried.” I sat down in a hurry as it all hit me, ten hours ago we were fine, enjoying being together, enjoying knowing our baby was safe and we were so happy because we were pregnant. Andrea and Scott talked to the doctor while I set off in a dead run for Taylor’s room. Arriving the beeping of the machines silenced me. It was really over, she wasn’t pregnant anymore and it wasn’t her fault. It was all Harry, nothing could make this better. I just sat at her bedside and held her hand tight. Moments later the door opened and as I turned to ask the nurse to leave I was met with three boys all of different builds. “Mate, I’m sorry Taylor is in here.” That voice belonged to Liam Payne as Niall and Zayn joined in and said they were sorry too.

I gave them the once over and buried my face in my hands, tears began to pour from them as the boys circled me and led me outside to the hallway. I saw Scott and Andrea in the distance and they came and sat by Taylor while I talked to the boys. “…I can’t believe the change of events.” I stated as they stared at me while I explained the dire circumstances, it hurt. Niall was the first to speak,
“So Taylor was pregnant too?”
“Yeah we were going to announce it on the ELLEN show next week when she is out of the danger zone, we had just made thirteen weeks today.” Niall hung his head as Liam and Zayn sat closer. I knew deep down that they were not to blame but they had originally lied to me. Standing up tall I stated that I had to get back to Taylor, she needed to know. They all muttered goodbyes and left too.

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