Ruining a Life

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Louis’s P.O.V

The machines beeped in the background letting me know that this was all very real; I rubbed my hands up and down my face three times before opening my eyes to reality. White walls, sterile benches and my once bright and bubbly Taylor still in her induced coma but the doctors had said it was just time now. She could wake up anytime in the next thirty minutes. I had thanked them as they left and had a nap beside my fiancée. The first thing I noticed as I stared at the sonogram from three days ago was her hand moving then within five minutes her eyes opened wide and she smiled at me, being the not so quick person her smile quickly turned into a frown. “Louis…what’s wrong?”
I looked at her and smiled sadly, “what do you remember princess?” Her face went from a frown to thinking quickly. “I remember going grocery shopping, we saw Harry and he whispered that he was going to out us, then we went home and I was relaxing on the couch when the doorbell went and I opened the door and…and…and…”
“and what Taylor? What do you remember?” Her eyes filled with tears as I reached for her and pulled her into my lap whilst we sat on the bed. “Then he hit me and I fell on the floor.” I watched as her hand moved down towards where her…our baby bump used to be. “Louis what happened?” Fear flashed across her face as realization dawned on her, “Taylor they did all they could, but it was too late. You miscarried the baby Taylor and it wasn’t your fault it was the hit, the baby died instantly I’m so sorry Taylor.” I kept babbling as she seemed to blank out.

Taylor’s P.O.V

I miscarried, at thirteen weeks. This is the first time thirteen has ever let me down, I had worked so hard for the last three months to be healthy for this child but now it was gone. I looked at Louis and felt my heart break all over again I lay back down as Louis went to leave. “Please Lou, stay.” He turned and nodded and I moved so he could share the bed with me. My head fell to his chest and he whispered, “when the time is right we can try again.” I nodded against his shirt and then I looked up and kissed him, “I want to try again.” Determination was evident in my voice as he kissed me and nodded and for the first time since I woke I saw a smile brighten his face.

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