Changes is All Around...

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Louis’s P.O.V

After getting back to sleep at 5.30am we were all in a dead sleep until my phone woke us up. Mia started crying, Taylor moaned then picked up Mia and began to bounce her as I apologised to which Taylor said it was fine. ‘HARRY’ flashed across my screen as I cautiously answered, “Hello…”
“How could you Louis, she was mine first.” I was so confused then it hit me. I glanced at Taylor who was leaving the room to get Mia her bottle. “What do you mean Harry? The lads told me you were fine with it now. That you were moving on.”
“Moving on, I can’t move on ‘Laylor’ is everywhere. Magazines, News Papers and Interviews always asking how I feel about it and I feel like crap.” I sighed.
“Look Harry, just tell me what you want and we can get past this.” I could almost hear him sneering from London, “I want you out of One Direction. Gone, retire from the band. We will survive.” I was shocked but not surprised. Glancing at the clock it was almost 9.00am. “Look Harry, we need to talk as a band. I will be back in the U.K in a month and we can talk then. Okay.”
“No Louis, we are in Nashville meet us in an hour at Nixon Offices, on Music Row. All of us will be there.”  I sighed and agreed. Throwing my phone aside in annoyance and waking Meredith in the process, ‘I wonder where Olivia is?’ I tossed the blankets aside and got up. Shaking my bedhead I made my way out to the hallway.

Passing the main bathroom I headed for the stairs, light wood in colour. I padded downstairs to see Taylor with Mia in the sling while she was walking round reading an email on her phone and eating a banana while Mia was probably drooling onto Taylor’s tank top. Pausing to take in her beauty but then her ring caught my eye and then caught the sun as it sparkled. ‘Maybe leaving One Direction isn’t so bad.’ “Hey baby, what are you reading?” I greeted Taylor with a kiss to the cheek as she looked up she quickly said.  “Never mind me, what did Harry want?” I knew I couldn’t lie to my future wife so she perched on the edge of a barstool with Mia still attached to her chest and I told her the truth. She looked horrified to have caused this but I assured her it had been coming for almost a year. Hugging her when she was upset was the best thing in the world but right now I was loving being able to see her with Mia all secured into her chest with her hands balled up into tiny fists with a little dribble coming out of her tiny mouth. I knew this was my family and I knew what I wanted. Peace.

Simon Cowell’s P.O.V

One Hour Later…

I had arrived in Nashville when Harry told me there was a band meeting going down. I quickly made it in time and immediately saw the rest of the boys and Louis off to the side on his phone texting someone. “So guys what’s the deal?” Harry spoke first.
“Well Uncle Simon, Louis is now dating my ex-girlfriend who I loved and was trying to get back, he didn’t care and now I want him out.” Spinning to face Louis I can tell he wants to speak so I say;
“Okay thanks Harry. Your turn Louis…” Then Louis starts to speak the main points I got were,
‘Verbally abused Taylor Swift on her private number, accused Louis of taking something that Harry screwed up with, Helping Taylor raise Mia when Louis wasn’t the father.’ I totally understood but didn’t understand why Harry wanted Louis out because of it. So I asked why, “I can’t work with someone I don’t trust Simon and I can’t handle Taylor being around me…”
“It’s fine Uncle Simon…” Louis’s voice interrupted Harry, I turned and he said. “I want out of One Direction, please arrange for my assets to be cashed and send it to me and if you need me to I’ll pay to get out of my contract. I want a life. I’m nearly twenty five and my fiancée is nearly twenty five and we just want to have a family.” I saw everyone’s mouths open in shock as my head spun ‘fiancée that was fast’.

I had met Taylor before and I liked her, I didn’t see what the problem was with Harry but if this was something that Louis wanted I would allow it. Nodding to Louis I smiled at him and he went to leave. But then he addressed the rest of One Direction, “Since you all approved of Harry’s plan to come here when I’m spending time with my fiancée’s family and after you told me he was fine with it when he wasn’t. I wouldn’t have done it to you but you all did it knowing you had all told me he was fine with Taylor and me. I will tell you I forgive you. But I don’t need you in my life anymore. I have my fiancée and our daughter and we will live life how we see fit for our family and unfortunately that isn’t anything to do with this band. Thanks for the memories I’ll miss you all.” Then he left. I was shocked I hadn’t expected this when they became a band on X-Factor but something’s can’t be fixed. Now I had lost 1/5 of One Direction.

Turning my head to look at the remainder of the boys I was shocked at what I saw, tears in Niall’s eyes, anger written across Liam’s forehead, Zayn hanging his head in defeat and Harry looking shocked. I guess that they never realised that Louis would want out so fast I thought that they would fight to hold onto what they had but they didn’t. It was then that I realised that Louis loved Taylor more than his music career and he was willing to give it up because he wasn’t settling for Harry Styles. He wanted a life with a wife and children and I thought it was admirable and I knew I would see him again. Liam spoke first, “Well Harry, I hope this was what you wanted. Louis gone and now the band will be thrown through the media all because you screwed up with Taylor and wouldn’t let her move onto someone who she obviously loves. They are engaged now and Louis will be Mia’s father and any others they decide to have. What did you expect Harry? For him to leave her and come running back to the band because that’s what ‘Harry Styles’ wanted.” I watched as Harry continued to stare blank faced at me. I knew he didn’t expect this but this was now a nightmare and Harry would have to take full responsibility.

Taylor’s P.O.V

I heard the door shut quietly from where I was in the kitchen, I still had Mia attached to my chest as she was asleep and it was comfortable for me too. I started to walk towards the front door but in the Kitchen he appeared. Louis looked worn down and I knew things weren’t good so I started to talk. “Look Louis, One Direction should come first, I understand if you don’t want this anymore…” He cut me off though. “Taylor, are you mad! I love you and Mia more than anything, you are my family and I can’t wait to be with you forever.” I was a little shocked.
“What? How will that work. Harry hates us being together.” Louis nodded his head and then spoke again, “I quit the band, I don’t like it the same as I used to. I’m almost twenty five and it’s time for me to grow up. I want you, Mia and our life together. I want to sit in the pit at the soundboard every night that you sing on the ‘1989’ tour with Mia on my chest or on my shoulders. I love you and I’m doing this for us.” I started to cry and Louis brought me into his chest. The one place I felt safe. I sobbed into his shirt and then he said. “Let’s put Mia into bed and go back to bed love.” I nodded and let him lead us. Then I mentioned that I cancelled the interview today since Mia was still a little unwell. He nodded in agreement.

Ten minutes later Mia was asleep and Louis and I were lying on the bed, my head on his chest as his hands ran through my hair. Suddenly I sat up and said to him, “Louis since we are getting married I need to know if you want kids…”
“Of course I do Taylor. I want what you want, if you wanted kids tomorrow I would help you by starting today and if you want them in five years I will help then too. I love you and what you want, I want.” I smiled at him and said in a sly voice.
“What if I wanted them now? Would you help me?” His shocked face hit me and I laughed,
“Of course.”
“Well what are you waiting for Louis Tomlinson? Let’s go.”

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