Danger is Everywhere even at Home

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Harry’s P.O.V

The knock on the door was a wide awakening moment today. ‘hmm wonder who that is?’ my brain screamed at me with sarcasm, I knew I wasn’t handling things well since that meeting in Nashville, to be honest I was shocked that Louis had left, angry that Taylor was marrying him and mad at myself for thinking I had a chance with her when I fucked up so royally last time, I don’t blame her for moving onto someone better. By the time I had left Nashville I had accepted Taylor and Louis but then I came home to England and spent time in London with a party crowd, where I met a few paparazzi who hounded me and the hurt came back at once, it was then that I vowed that I would make them pay for the humiliation they were putting me through. I needed them to know.

“Good morning Mr. Styles. Your bill is overdue and we either require you to pay it or move on.” I stared blankly at the face of the hotel manager. “Don’t you know who I am?”
“Yes Mr. Styles, you are Harry Styles.” I nodded and said in a snide voice,
“Then maybe you should use this card,” I tossed a new card at him and he rushed away. I slammed the door and dragged my hands down my face, stubble grazed my fingertips and made me shudder. I hated stubble. I then decided to take a walk, being back in Nashville was hard but I needed a change and minimal paparazzi made things easier here. I slid into black skinny jeans, rolling stones t-shirt and black boots. Adorning my black sunglasses I headed for the local grocery shop to get some shaving products and deodorant. Slipping into the store un-noticed I was walking around until I heard a British voice and an American voice mix together as they talked about the fruit they wanted, turning suddenly I saw a halo of blonde curls and I knew it was Taylor Swift. Cursing silently I tried to leave un-noticed but I heard a voice behind me state. “That’s Harry Styles.” Then I glanced around and saw Louis with his arm firmly placed around Taylor and the child in her hands, ‘must be her daughter’ I thought to myself. I then found myself turning and walking swiftly to the check-out but I stopped and moved to Taylor and Louis. Leaning in close I whispered to them. “Just wait until everyone finds out what you two did to me. Then the truth will be out.”

Louis’s P.O.V

Hearing ‘That’s Harry Styles’ is enough to make anyone turn around suddenly and Taylor and I were no exception to that, I briefly saw a flash of panic across his face that turned into a smirk I breathed a sigh of relief as he went to leave but then he came back right to us and as Taylor pushed herself and Mia into me more Harry whispered, ‘Just wait until everyone finds out about what you two did to me. Then the truth will be out.’ I heard Taylor whimper as Harry left and we quickly went to the checkout and left. Glancing to my right I saw Taylor almost hyperventilating. “Calm down baby, you will hurt the baby.” Pulling over to the side of the road I took her face in my hands and kissed her, feeling her physically relax against me was the best feeling in the world. Letting her go I brushed her ‘hardly there’ bump and continued to drive. She was smiling again and Mia was asleep. Arriving home we walked upstairs and Taylor’s bodyguards went and got the groceries, I decided to take Mia up to bed and left Taylor in the lounge relaxing on the couch. I had just put Mia down when I heard the doorbell go. Thinking it was the bodyguards I didn’t hurry down but yelling downstairs told a different story.

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