Change of Direction

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Louis’s P.O.V

“Hey boys where are you all. I’m going to watch E News!” I was met with silence then a door shut above me somewhere as a mop of brunette curls appeared beside me. “Okay boo bear lets watch E News!” Harry addressed me while staring at E News already. I turned my attention to the screen as the announcer said “…in other news country turned pop princess Taylor Swift was recently spotted shopping up a storm in a baby furniture place in Nashville, no word from management as to why but one can only speculate as to why she was there. So Jeff who would be on the board for this mistake on can only suggest Harry Styles after the newest single ‘Outta the woods’?”
“Well Shelby, I can honestly say that although she was spotted there, Miss Swift was seen the next day leaving the Nashville courthouse, with a baby in tow so many are speculating that she has already had the child or adopted it. Naturally we are curious people but we are also respectful and will wait for formal documentation to be presented to the public. That’s all back to you in the studio…”

I drowned out the rest of it, I was watching Harry reach for his phone and I knew who he was calling. “Wait Haz don’t call her.” I pleaded; he looked at me and shook his head to indicate no.
“Taylor how could you do that to me, putting my private life into one of your pathetic little songs. You are worse than I thought.”
“Daughter…how long have we been separated?” I looked at him puzzled then Taylor must have hung up because he was left deflated. “The baby is adopted, she just told me. I feel like a jerk, I know that she is trying to move on. I can’t though…” I was thinking then about the times that Taylor and Harry dated, sure there was drama but she was always comfortable at least around me she was. ‘Was I starting to have feelings for Taylor? Should I comfort Harry or let him stew?’ I decided to tell him what I thought so I began to talk. “Hey Harry, I got to talk to you.” Harry faced me and motioned for me to continue, “Look mate I know that you and Taylor dated, but you screwed that up man. She was the best thing ever and you ruined it. You don’t have the right to tell her how she lives her life, get over it that she wrote about you, you knew she would because she is a song writer and she writes about real experiences.”
“Yeah but Lou…”
“No buts Harry, you screwed up so let Taylor be, she isn’t doing anything wrong.” I watched as Harry’s eyes focused on me then he spat at me, “Of course you defend your precious Taylor. You know she will never love you, or sleep with you. Too prudish for that is Miss Swift.” I felt my heart break and my fists get tight. I rose up to full height and told Harry, “Don’t speak about her like that.” He just watched me walk away then as I moved to the kitchen and saw that we have months off so since my break-up with Eleanor I decide where I’m going in a split second. “Harry I’m leaving to go to the states, I’ll see you, sort yourself out.” Rushing upstairs I dialled the airport and booked a flight then I called the girl with the beautiful smile, to pick me up at the other end.

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