Doctors, Recording, Ring?

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One Month Later

Taylor’s P.O.V

“Lou, I’m leaving now. Can you take Mia to her two month jabs? They are at 11.00am.” I yelled through the apartment, not knowing where he was at that current moment, a few seconds later the front door opened and Louis walked in clad with pyjamas and holding my gorgeous baby in his arms. Standing with my hands on my hips I watched him freeze. “Yes honey,” he stopped short of me with mail under his arms and Mia in the other, she was watching me so when I stooped to kiss her forehead she smiled widely, and it was her new favourite thing. I stepped back and Louis set Mia down in the playpen we had in the lounge. Mia rolled over and went for her purple cuddly bear in the corner; I took pity and moved her closer to it. While I was standing there I didn’t notice Louis coming up behind me, arms wrapped around my waist as his chin rested on my shoulder. I leant back into his chest. I sighed in content as Louis and I watched Mia wriggle around the playpen.

“Hey Lou, are you still taking her for her shots. I should really leave to meet Scott…” Louis quickly answers, “Yep just me and my little princess at the hospital getting poked and prodded then we are going to call Uncle Simon and video chat him, then talk to my mom and then yeah. Are you excited to go back to the studio to sort out the stuff so we can go to Doncaster in a month’s time?” I grinned and kissed him on the jawline, “I’m excited, but I know I’ll miss Mia today so don’t freak out if I call heaps, okay.” Louis smiled down at me and then spoke softly, “You don’t ever have to worry about calling to see how Mia is, she is your daughter and you love her…” I raised my hand to shush him mid-sentence, “you’re dead wrong there Louis, Mia is our daughter. You are her daddy.” I said as I poked him in the chest, he kissed my forehead and then said, “You are her mommy and I love you.” Glancing at the clock I pressed one last kiss to Louis’s mouth and then left, the door shut behind me and I smiled moving off to the lobby where a car would take me to the studio since Louis needed the vehicle to take Mia for her shots. Since he didn’t have one here ‘we should really change that’ I thought to myself.

Louis’s P.O.V

The moment that Taylor left I felt like I could breathe a sigh of relief. I didn’t really have to call my mom; I had done that walking down to get the mail. Simon wasn’t worried and didn’t need me until January so as long as I tweeted a few times a week he was satisfied. The band was doing their own thing; Niall was in Ireland visiting his dad, Liam was on vacation with Sophie and Zayn and Perrie were in Bradford with Zayn’s family. But no one had heard from Harry so no one knew where he stood, I had been expecting a phone call to harass me but after a month of radio silence the boys assured me that he didn’t blame me and he was moving on slowly but my words had helped him, Harry knew I liked Taylor when they dated now I was dating her and I love her and Mia. It did seem strange to me though that when I went back to the U.K I would need to plan my life around Taylor and Mia, but I was excited to do that for them. Hopefully by the time I go back Taylor will be my fiancée instead of just girlfriend which is a loose term.

Half an hour later Mia and I are headed to the paediatrician for her shots, I know she will scream so I brought the owl blanket and her bottle as reinforcement. Ten minutes after we arrive I hear ‘Mia Swift’ standing I take Mia towards the nurse and she states obviously “Oh my god your Louis Tomlinson, I’m a huge fan.” I giggle despite myself, forgetting that this is America and it happens a lot here. “Sure am love, how about we go inside and I sign an autograph for you?”
“OMG would you I love you, and I ship Laylor too all the way.” I grin and it felt good to know that someone other than Taylor and I plus our family supported us. “Let me tell you a little something, Taylor is amazing with this little one…” I told the nurse cradling Mia close to me. “She gets up at 3.00am just to check Mia is okay then an hour later she is up when Mia wakes, she is like a little energizer battery. Just keeps on going and I love her to death…” looking down at Mia I then state, “Both of them.” The nurse just watches me,
“That’s so sweet, are you going to get married?” I smile again.

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