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Austin’s P.O.V 

Seeing Taylor arrive with Louis and Mia made me realise how much she has grown up in the space of about three days. Mia seems to fit into her life like she has been there forever. I was walking upstairs towards Taylor’s old room which is now the nursery when Taylor walked back out and met me on the landing. “Hey Tay how’s life?” She looked at Mia who was looking at me and smiled.
“Life is good Austin and I have Louis in my life and this little princess. Speaking of Louis, do you approve?” I smiled at her and even though she is the big sister she still wants my advice or acceptance. I grinned and then replied. “He’s great Tay, seems to love Mia too. I think you made a good decision this time, although I’ve seen the pictures pretty steamy…”
“What oh no I just thought someone saw me and told mom, what magazine is it?” I laughed at her then.  “Good one Tay, it’s everywhere. When 1/5 of One Direction leaves London on a flight for Nashville people can get suspicious so there were a few on you. Didn’t you see them?”
“No, I was practically kissed when he arrived then we left.”
“Oh well, at least they look good. Hey question for you.” I smiled at her.
“Oh yeah well shoot.” Grinning widely I smirked.
“When you and Louis get married can I be the photographer?” Taylor then winked at me and said,
“Possibly.” What the hell I was confused. I watched her turn and put Mia down to sleep so I went downstairs still confused, did this mean Taylor was considering marriage with Louis? Not that I had a problem, he was great for her and pretty cool too. I would just have to wait and see.

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