Chap 1: Oh no...

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Imani POV~


"Ugh," I groaned while rolling over from my side to turn the damn alarm off. My eyes went wide when I looked at the time.

1 PM?!

"They are gonna kill me," I thought aloud.

Before I had any time to think of how I'm gonna get out of trouble, my mom called to me from downstairs, "Imani!" Your friends are here!"

As soon as she finished her statement, I heard running from the stairs. I struggled to get untangled from the sheets and blankets.

"Why do I have so many damn blankets on my bed?!" I cursed. The door swung open, scaring me which caused me to fall off my bed and onto the floor.

My fall woke up my Doberman pup, Rascal. He took that time to give me very sloppy good morning kisses. "Ew! Gross! Rascal stop it! Get up!" I laughed at him. He didn't get the message apparently since he continued doing what he did best.

"Ahem, " I froze at the sound.

As I turned my neck slowly, I came face-to-face with my two very angry best friends. "Do you want to tell us why you're still in bed?" asked Raquel with my other best friend, Ariza, right next to her with the same 'well?' expression.

Let me take this time to pause and introduce my two lovely best friends.

Raquel has dark brown, kinky hair that matches her very light chocolate skin. She is just a little bit taller than me and I am 5'6. She is the youngest out of us at the age of 18. She is very attractive with her beautiful honey-brown eyes and lips. Even though she is the youngest, she is still the bossy mom friend in the group. She also has a boyfriend.

Ariza is the oldest and tallest out of us. She is only a couple of days older than me but we are both 19. She is also very attractive. She is Hispanic so she has more of a tan-ish honey skin tone. She has straight, dark brown hair and hazel eyes with hints of green. She has a toned and curvy body and it still puzzles me why she still doesn't have a boyfriend. She is very funny and the most athletic out of us, she loves sports. Though she is the oldest, she is also the 'dumbest' but it's ok because I'm the smart friend so I help everyone out.

Back to the story...

"I said, do you want to tell us why you're still in bed?" Raquel asked again getting more pissed.

No, not really... I thought to myself.

"Imani you know we were supposed to be at the mall at 1. It's 12:30 right now, " she complained.

"I know and I'm sorry but you guys should have known better than to trust me to wake up on time, " I laughed.

"I'm picking out your outfit, " Raquel said while sticking out her tongue.

Oh no... I complained.

It's not that Raquel's style is awful, it's just that her style is SO not my style. She doesn't mind showing some skin, I, on the other hand, do.

But by the way Raquel was glaring at me...I probably didn't have a choice.

"Fine..." I dragged. As she and Ariza went to my closet, I caught Ariza's arm and whispered, "Please make sure that it's appropriate." She just laughed at me and shook her head.

So much for that... I thought as a dragged my way over to the shower. When I took off my clothes, I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot.

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