Chap 52: Don't Stop Me

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Author's Note:
Hey guys! I just wanted to express how much I appreciate your comments. They make my day every single time! It lets me know that you guys are actually reading and enjoying my story and that puts me over the moon! Pleaseeeee continue to do so! Even if it's just a "😂" or a "lol" or even "wow". Everything is welcome. If you see something that you want me to work on or you want to see something happen, don't be afraid to tell me! (Just don't be rude because we ain't got time for rude people💅🏾) Thanks again!

In the last chapter~
-Nick and his mom stood up to Leonardo
-Unfortunately, Leo doesn't get it and  blames Imani for his problems🤦‍♀️
-Ana/Mrs. Romani leaves and decides to stay with Nick

Anastasia's POV

She made her way over and since there wasn't any room, Nick pulled her onto his lap. She made a face and he just laughed, kissed her on the forehead, and then smiled at me.

And she is perfect for my son,  I thought proudly.

Imani's POV

She and her husband had a fight...was it because of me?

Damn it! Why do I feel so guilty even though I don't even know what I did?!

Mr.Romani hates me and he probably thinks I lied to him. Too many things are going on right now!

“Imani! Come look at what I can do!” Dylan laughed, shaking me from my thoughts.

“Yea, come on, sweetheart, ” Nick smiled and motioned me over.

What the heck?

I knew he was planning to do something. There was no room where they were, I don't feel like mounting anyone's lap, and Mrs. Romani is literally right beside me.

Since the car was in motion, I carefully made my way over to where the boys sat and planned to stand a safe distance away from Nick while still watching Dylan.

After I had just gotten in a comfortable stance, Nick raised an eyebrow at me.

What? I mouthed toward him.

He just smirked and shook his head.

I breathed a sigh of relief but then, all of a sudden, I felt two strong arms lift me up and set me down on top of someone.

Gosh, darn it...

I glared over my shoulder towards my captor and Nick held an amused face.

What? He laughed.

I rolled my eyes while he lovingly kissed me on the forehead and smiled at his mother.

Wait a minute!

This is all fake...This isn't love. It's just an act!

The sooner I accept this, the better.

“Soooo, ” I changed the subject. “What did you want to show me?”

Dylan showed me a trick where he took a little button and made it disappear but then retrieved it from behind my ear.

“Oh wow!” I praised him. “That's so cool! But I have an even better trick.”

“Oh!” he gasped. “Show us!”

I laughed while I took his button in hand and rubbed it over my thumb three times and blew on it.

Then we all watched as I threw it up in the air and once it hit the roof of the car, it disappeared into the air.

One in a Million (UNEDITED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin