Chap 47: She Looks Like....

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In the last chapter~
-Izari's men get into a fight against Nick's house and a few more men
-The group goes to the fair
-Nick finds out about Imani's fear of heights
-Izari and Lydia join hands and they did the deed👀

Author's POV

Izari sat his now messy desk for a moment before picking up his phone and dialing a number.

"Yes, boss?" Liam answered.

"How was the fight?"

"Not too bad, we lost 2 men and 3 are injured," Liam replied.

"Whatever. Anyways, when you get back, call the Taylors. Tell them I have a deal for them."


"What is it?" Izari rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure? No offense, boss! But they told us to never call them again, " Liam rushed.

"Are you defying orders?"

"No sir! I'll get right on it, sir!"

"...That's better, " he sneered. "Oh, and send someone to come and clean up my office."

With his last order, Izari hung up the phone and went to his room to go to bed.

Nick's POV

As I was parking the car in front of my parents' house, I took a look through the rearview mirror and almost died laughing. Everyone was on top of everyone! Ryder and Justin were at the foot of the pile, the girls were on top of them, and Dylan was in the middle. Everyone was circled around him as if to protect him if he were to roll around or something. Each and every single one of them was asleep.

Oh well, I laughed as I got out of the car.

I was actually thankful that they were sleep, it gave me a chance to talk to my mom.

"Mamma?" I called out when I opened the door.

I couldn't see her but I did see my father and my brother on the couch.

Oh, goodie...

"Back so soon, fratellino?" Eli laughed as he got up to meet me.

"Of course!" I laughed back. "I also brought quite a bit of people you may know?" I winked.

"Well, where are they?" he exclaimed.

"In the front, I'll get them later, " I chuckled at his childness. "First, I need to see you and mamma."

"Nicolas, I want to talk to you first," my dad spoke up. I looked at his face and it held nothing but scorn and disappointment.

I don't need that right now...

"Maybe next time," I rolled my eyes and traveled to the kitchen with Eli on my heels.

"Mamma?" I called out again.

"Caro? You're back?" she poked her head out from the fridge.

"Sì, mamma. I have good news and bad news."

"Alright...tell me the good news first."

When I explained to her that I 'found' Imani, she and Elijah were overjoyed. And when I told them that the guys, girls, and Dylan were here, they were ecstatic.

"Guys, can you calm down?" I laughed.

"No way! I have so many questions! How do you know Imani already and for how long have you known her? Are they hungry? Are you staying the night? Is everyone staying the night? Do you want to have-"

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