Chap 64: My Little Flower...

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(Btw the picture above is the flower that Noami gave to Imani as a middle name)
In the last chapter~
-Nick freaks out a bit
-Noah finds info on Dylan
-Nick tell the rest of the group the bad news
-Raquel doesn't like the fact that they were the last to know

Third Person's POV

“Look, I'm not trying to argue with any of you. I've told you what happened, what needs to be done, and now I'm telling you that everything is gonna have to come out in the future, so hurry and psych yourself up for that.”

And with that...he ended the call.

Sono troppo franco per quests merda...”  he groaned. (I'm too tired for this sh*t)

Time skip~

And before the group knew it, another week went by. And for some reason, they didn't encounter any problems. Nick had a problem with that. He was anxious as to why things were going so smoothly...for the gang of course.

He made no progress with Imani, she'd even lock the door so nobody would come in. Not Mrs. Romani, not Raquel or Ariza, or even Ryder. They haven't seen her.

The only way Nick knew she was eating was when trash would go out, if the food was in there, she didn't eat. Wrappers? She did.

It would go back and forth but Nick was just grateful for her to be eating.

I already broke one promise to you, I'm not about to break my promise to your mom, Nick sighed as he finished clearing out the trash.

For Imani, she hasn't spoken in days. She's pretty sure that if she were to say something, her voice would sound hoarse and raspy.

Nick brought in Rascal for her and her mentality has been better.

But her mind never stopped racing with questions.

What is he gonna do to me?

Why did he lie to me?

Why did he help me?

What would he do to my friends? They're his friends too right? Do they know?

What about Mrs. Romani?! Did she lie to me too? Did she trick me?!

Is my dad gonna find me?

Should I run away again?

Little did she know...that tonight was gonna be an...unreal night.

As she pets Rascal in the bed and continued thinking, she began to get real drowsy which was weird because she has not been able to sleep in who knows how long.

She didn't fight it and ended up going to sleep just like that.

Imani's POV


Uh-oh,” I thought aloud as I felt the shelf start to sway and little tubs of ice cream started to fall.

I knew I shouldn't have climbed this thing!

All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms pull me off the swaying shelf and wrap me up into a protective hug.

From the scent, I could tell it was a man. And a strong man too.

When the creaking stopped, we looked up to see if it was over and
Smash! a tub landed on his face.

Pfft!! I laughed.

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