Chap 46🌸: I Got A Deal For You...

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In the last chapter~
-Ryder and Nick get into it
-The group has finally arrived at their destination
-Imani has a really bad dream about Noah
-Nick comforts her as she cries
-Imani thinks she has to go away for everyone to be safe
-Izari is after Nick

Nick's POV

While I was rubbing circles on her back, trying to get her to calm down, my phone started ringing again.

I pulled out my phone and it was from Johnny again. Ok, so if he called twice, then it must be pretty important...But Imani is here...she might hear something she shouldn't.

I took the risk and answered the phone. "This better be pretty f*cking important for you to call me while I'm on vacation!" I growled in Italian.

"IZARI KNOWS WHERE YOU ARE!" he exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I tensed. Imani immediately felt it and she tensed up as well.

"I tried calling you earlier when I got the news but you didn't answer, "


"Izari and a couple of his men are on their way to your house. I've got all of their pictures and they are just 3 minutes away from their destination. I've sent you the information," he explained.

"Alright, got it. Send a couple of men out to be there just in case Izari wants to start some trouble and tell Jixi to shut down the house, begin Combat mode, and move into my private house. Got that? Ryder, Justin, and I will be there afterward."

"Yes, Capo," he agreed.

"Oh, and by the way, thank you, Johnny. I'm glad we have you around."

"Anytime, boss," he laughed and ended the call.

Before you get all ' wait a minute, aren't your men supposed to be afraid of you?? ' Or ' why are you so nice? Aren't you supposed to be mean? '

My men respect me. I don't want them to fear me and think that I won't help them out when needed. Izari, on the other hand, is the one that scares his men. That's why he isn't able to climb up the ladder. With my gang, we build each other up and depend on each other, that's how we've stayed up for so long and we're still growing.

Izari's men end up leaving after a while. Either Izari ends up killing them or they leave because they are always in danger with his mood swings. Unfortunately, some of his men are too scared to run away.

I would never kill one of my men because of my mood. They are my family. But if we have a traitor...then that's a different story.

"Who's Johnny?" Imani asks from inside my arms.

"He's the one that I left in charge of, " I paused. "While I'm gone."

"Oh," she nodded and looked away.

"Soo, are you ok?" I asked.

"Y-yea, I'm gonna be fine, " she smiled. "Thank you."

She's 'gonna' be fine? What's wrong right now?

"Anytime, " I smile back. "Ok, it's not like I don't enjoy you sitting on my lap, but are you gonna get up anytime soon?" I smirked.

She blushed deeply and quickly scrambled out of my lap. "A-anyways, " she changed the subject. "Where are we?"

"Oh yeah! Come on!" I exclaimed and got up.

She looked at me confused but got up and got Dylan up as well.

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