Chap 67: No

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In the last chapter~
-Imani meets Johhny
-She also meets Diana
-Diana slaps her multiple times out of jealousy
-Diana gets confronted by Johnny

Imani's POV

"Even if this was a misunderstanding, why did you use all of your strength on her?!" Nick demanded.

"I...I-I, " she fidgeted.

Since Nick was being louder than usual, tons of people began to circle us to see what was going on.

“W-wait, Nick, I-” I tried to get his attention.

“Not right now," he quickly brushed me off. “D, I asked you a question. Why did you use all of your strength to slap her if you didn't know her?”

“I-I...I don't know, ” she shrugged.

“You don't know?” his eyes went cold.

“N-Nick, can you do this later?!” I whispered.

He ignored me.

“Based on what you told me, you didn't know her. You saw that she was being disrespectful or whatever and wanted to reprimand her, correct?”

“Y-yes, sir," she nodded.

“Imani, did you tell her you were new here?”

Diana and I made quick eye contact but I quickly broke it. I felt more and more eyes on me and it felt so uncomfortable.

“N-no, sir, ” I lied.

Diana looked at me with wide eyes but promptly went back to bowing her head at Nick.

Nick searched my face for something but I refused to look at him.

“Ok, so first of all, if you want to reprimand someone, you do not beat them! Knowing how long you have been here, you should've known that, am I wrong?!” he growled back at her.

“Well, n-no sir!" She choked.

“Ryder, what do I do?” I begged.

“Nothing. She is getting what she deserves right now, she should have known better, ” he advised. “Time and time again, she's used her power against others. And you, why didn't you tell her you were new?”

I shrugged. public?

“If you know I'm right, then that means you know that rule, so you have no reason not to know!” his voice continued to rise. “Or was this incident personal?”

“H-huh?” she questioned.

“You didn't do this for the sake of 'rules',  did you? Everyone was to be downstairs and eating unless they told me first because I had an announcement. You knew that too. Imani had my permission to leave, but you didn't consult with me at all, ” he pondered.

“That's true but she looked suspicious!”

“Don't interrupt me when I'm talking, ” he glared.

“You have never left when I had an announcement. Imani, was she on your floor?”

Just as I was about to lie again, Nick made eye contact with me again.

I suggest you don't lie this time. You won't save her by doing so, he mouthed.

I gulped.

“Yes, I was, ” Diana answered for me.

I don't need your help, she grimaced at me.

“You were," he repeated. “Remind me again, what floor do you stay on?” he challenged.

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