Chap 3: Woah...

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Author's Note: The cover of this chapter is the song Imani is about to sing. I highly recommend listening to it. It's a vibe you know?

Imani's POV (10 years ago)

"You and your mom belong to your uncle and me! I don't want any other boy near you, you hear me slut?! If you can't do what I asked, I can't promise that the poor fellow will be able to live the rest of his life, " he threatened me, throwing me across the room.

I tried to upright myself to no avail since I was shoved so hard. He took his time coming back towards me and I used everything in my power to get away from him.

He lit a cigarette as he lowered himself to my level.

A couple of seconds went by while he just glared at me, daring me to try something.

Just as I opened my mouth, he placed his hand back on my hair and yanked it tightly, bringing me up to his vicious lips.

"And when I kill him, it would be all your fault. All because you couldn't follow simple instructions." He finished, throwing me back down.

To relieve his last bit of anger, he smashed the vodka bottle on my back, prompting me to pass out.

End of Flashback~

"You know how my parents feel about that!" I complained.

"Hey hey hey, " Raquel soothed. "They are not complete strangers. We know them, they are some of Ryder's friends, " she explained. "We wouldn't bring you into something we knew was dangerous, "

"We literally just promised your mom to take care of you didn't we? " Ariza nudged while giggling causing me to laugh and calm down a little.

On the way to the mall, we just blasted music and sung our hearts out. I couldn't sing since I was laughing at how Raquel and Ariza were acting as if they were in their little music video.

Once we arrived, Raquel asked me, "Do you want to go with me and Ari to go meet them?"

"No thanks, " I answered already getting nervous. "I don't want to be there when Ryder and you start acting lovey-dovey, " I laughed with Ariza, earning me an eye-roll from Raquel.

"That's a good idea! I don't want to be there either!" complained Ariza.

"Well that's too damn bad isn't it?" smiled Raquel as she dragged Ariza with her.

"Ughhh, " Ariza sighed.

"'I'll be in the music shop, " I called over. They nodded and headed towards the food court. "Hey bring me something back! I called out to them again.

"But of course, " Ariza joked while bowing turning back around to leave.

Oh how I love them, I laughed.

I made my way to the music store and looked through all the shelves. To my surprise, I saw a piano in between the aisles.

"Excuse me? Can I play this piano?" I asked the clerk.

"Of course, no one else is here anyway, " he smiled.

"Thank you!" I thanked him.

"No problem!"

As I took a seat on the bench in front of the piano, my eyes scanned over the keys, reminiscing good memories.

How long has it been? It has to have been a couple of years now.

I started pondering which song to play. I decided to play a song that has been on my mind for a while now. Then I began,


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