Chap 8: Mom

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Imani's POV

Nicolas motioned for me to come in front of him.

What does he want, I asked myself?

I reluctantly came over and he set his large hands on my shoulders. I had no clue what he was doing until he looked back at me and stood. He gripped my jacket with a little bit of anger towards my neck.

I instantly knew what was gonna happen, "W-wait!" I begged him. He didn't. He yanked the jacket off me and his breath hitched. "I-I, " I started, trying to cover my injuries with my arms and hands.

"Who the f*ck did this?!" he bellowed, rage surging throughout his eyes and actions. "Why are you pretending to be ok?!" he growled while pacing back and forth.

With me being scared, I backed away to try and give him space. "These are very serious! You need to go to the hospital!" he yelled, his hands running through his hair. "And I'm sorry but I'm telling the others, they should know about this! " he shouted stomping towards the door.


I snapped my head to see he was close to the exit.

"N-no!" I screamed. I jumped up on his back to try and pull him away from the door.

"And why the f*ck not?!" he howled, dragging me off his back. He held me in the air, still boiling.

Damn he's strong!

"B-because I'm fine!" I defended. "See look, I have been walking and climbing just fine, you saw so yourself!" I rushed.

"See I'm ok, it's alright. You said so yourself, some of these look old, I'm healing just fine, " I said calmly, trying to soothe him. I rubbed his arms as he continued to hold me above the ground. He let me down.

He was starting to pace again but I cut him off which caught him off guard.


I used that to my advantage and softly pushed him down for him to sit on the couch. I went over to the arm of the couch since I needed to be slightly taller than him for this to work. I pulled him into me and I hugged him softly. As I started to rock back and forth as I whispered what my mom would to me, "I'm ok and you're ok". I repeated this over and over until he got less tense and started to relax.

When I saw this I ran my fingers through his hair softly and continued to rock back and forth as I sang a song that always calmed me down.

As I sang, I thought back to when my mom would do this for me when I just got done being punished.

Imani's POV (7 years ago)

"W-what did I do wrong?" I wailed, sitting on my bed with my mom. My back and arms burning from the newly made slashes.

"Nothing honey, " my mom told me looking at me with a mix of love and sadness in her eyes.

"T-then why d-do we have to b-be t-treated like t-this!" I demanded while trying to get air in my lungs.

My mom just wrapped her loving arms around me and rocked back and forth while running her fingers through my hair.

"Shh shh shh, " she soothed. "I'm ok and you're ok, we are gonna be just fine."

I just cried into her shirt as she continued rocking me and started to sing to me. I was exhausted from crying and my mother's voice along with the rocking put me right to sleep.

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