Chap 32: I Can't Do This

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In the last chapter~
-Nick ends up escaping Izari
-Nick takes Imani to his house
-Imani is being very difficult and not accepting anything

Nick's POV

More minutes later~

Ok, so the lasagna got cold so I had to put it back in the oven and I was slowly starting to get tired. It was past midnight and Imani still wasn't out the bathroom.

I walked up to the door and knocked. "Imani?" I called out.

No answer...

"Imani?" I called again.

No answer...

"Imani? What's happening in there?"

Still no answer...

"Imani?!" I was banging on the door at this point.


I took a paper clip out of my pocket and picked the lock.

It's crazy how I pick the locks in my own house.

I busted through the door a sleeping Imani woke up.

She was wrapped around in multiple towels as she sat on the bathtub. She rubbed her eyes while I took in what she was doing.

The clothes and shoes she was wearing were hung up over the shower. They no longer looked dirty.

"Nick?" she yawned. "What are you doing up?" she questioned.

"What do you mean, what am I doing up? I was waiting for you!" I grumbled.

"Oh, sorry. I was just washing my clothes and I had to wait for them to dry since I have no other clothes, " she shrugged as she yawned again. "Guess I fell asleep."

I stared at her in disbelief.

She wanted to wash and dry her own clothes when she could've just asked me for some clothes?

"And it never occurred to you that you could ask me for clothes?" I questioned.

"I thought you were asleep, " she protested.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.


I went to my room got a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for her.

I stepped out so she could change and she finally came out. She put her things neatly in a corner and followed me to the kitchen where her food was.

Her mouth started watering as soon as she saw the food. I gave her a fork and a cup filled with juice and she ate happily.

It made me laugh. "Good isn't it?" I chuckled and she nodded.

"Oh, what am I saying, you've obviously tasted my mom's cooking before haven't you?" I challenged her.

She froze midbite in her food. Her eyes slowly met mine and I raised an eyebrow. She swallowed her food and looked up at me nervously.

"Y-you know about that?" she questioned. I smirked and nodded my head.

"H-how long?" she asked nervously. I sat up and she took a step back.

"What have I told you about backing away from me?" I protested. She stopped creeping backward and stood still. I walked closer to her and leaned down so our faces were level.

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