Chap 44: Sugar Crash

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In the last chapter~
-The gang watches the video of Imani saving them
-They are very thankful towards her but she doesn't believe they should (which is weird)
-We see a little bit of Lydia's background
-Lydia complains to her father about Imani but he doesn't really give a damn
-When Nick's name is brought up, he has a mini heart attack

Author's POV

"His name is Nicolas Romani~" she swooned.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Hack!* *Cough!*

"Uh, Dad? Are you ok?"

"No, no, I'm fine," he chuckled. "It just sounded like you said Romani."

"But I did say that," her eyes narrowed. "Isn't it sexy! He's a big, sexy piece of Italian meat who knows what he's doing...if you know what I mean, " she winked.

"O-oh," he gulped.


"Oh my God! Dad are you ok!"

Henry John attempted to take a seat at his desk but ended up fainting and hitting it instead.

"Dad? Dad!" Lydia ran up to her father. "Damn it! Now, who will buy me things?! I hope you left me money in your will!" she not so lightly smacked him awake.

He slowly began regaining consciousness but Lydia didn't stop slapping him.

"Ow! Ouch!" he scrambled away from her. "Nice to know that my daughter only cares about my money, " he rolled his eyes as he caressed his now burning skin.

"Whatever, you are getting farther away from my point!" she accused and stomped her foot.

"And what would that be exactly?"

"Me and Nick getting together and the stupid b*tch going straight to hell!" her eyes narrowed.

Her father gulped at the sound of Nick's name once again. "L-Lydia, honey..." he breathed deeply.

" didn't...uh-anger him, right? Like in any sort of way...right?"

"You know, it's funny," she giggled as she glanced over her painted nails. "We kind of have this weird relationship."

"Weird how?" his eyes narrowed.

"Well, I would do something that he wouldn't like and he would pretend to get all angry at me," she laughed. "He actually scared me a couple of times but I always come back."

"...And how would he pretend to get 'angry' at you?" Henry knew deep in his heart that his daughter was in some deep sh*t.

"Umm...let's see. He would cuss a lot, slam doors in my face, and stuff. Oh! But today he had a new one! He said, 'And don't let me see you again you crazy b*tch!'" she smiled.

Henry's jaw dropped. "Lydia... Lydia... What the F*CK were you thinking?!" he howled.

"Woah! Calm down! I don't see what the big deal is here," she raised her hand in defense.

"Do you even KNOW who his family is?!" he slammed his hands on the desk.

"Yeah, duh," she rolled her eyes. "They are very rich and I heard rumors about them being leaders of a little gang. But I know you can handle them," she grinned.

"No, the f*ck I can't!" he scoffed. He got up and started pushing his daughter out of his office.

"Hey! What are you doing?! What about Nick?! What about the b*tch?!" she thrashed in his grasp.

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