Chap 14: Why?

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In the last chapter~
-Ariza and Raquel tell the guys about what happened
-the group noticed that Imani wasn't with them
-Imani shows up and Raquel gets an apology call from Amelia

Ariza's POV

"Come on!" Justin urged us. "I wanna know what happened!" he yelled as he went after Imani. We laughed and followed him up the ramp.

We saw her in front of the ramp looking around for seats for all of us.

"Imani?" Ryder asked.

"Yes, sis?" she answered, not glancing at us.

"Do you want to share with us what really happened?" he asked, crossing his arms and the rest of the fellas followed.

"With what, sis? You have to be more specific, " she answered finally turning around at us and smirked.

"Imani? " Ryder dragged, challenging her with his eyes.

"Yes sis, I'm right here, " she answered smiling mischievously. She knew exactly what she was doing.

"What did you do with the brunette worker?!" Justin spoke out, getting tired of waiting.

"Oh yes Amelia!" she lit up with fake realization. "See you got to ask the right questions, Ryder, " Imani laughed.

"You got her name?" Raquel asked in scorn.

"Yes I did, she is actually a lovely lady, she just didn't know it yet, " Imani shrugged.


"You do know that doesn't make sense, right?" I asked when no one said anything.

"I feel like you guys get it, " she smiled.

"Ok so what happened?" Justin asked again.

"Well, first I started to leave with Ariza and Raquel but she pulled my arm back and yelled, 'Who do you guys think you are?!', " she illustrated.

"I f*cken knew it!" Raquel said through gritted teeth.

"Can you calm down please and let me finish?" Imani asked, rolling her eyes.

She told us the rest of the story and throughout the whole thing, I had just one thought.

Imani is like a sweet badass b*tch.

Nobody would be so nice to somebody like that. Sh*t, nobody has the patience to. She gave Amelia the straight-up truth and not enough people do that anymore. She explained the truth and what she needed to do for her to be happy.

She could be a freakin therapist!

I don't know how but Imani has great observation skills. She always understands the situation, feels the person's true feelings, and knows how to help.

Imani's POV

I told them everything that had happened and how Amelia is a nice woman. I could tell because she called me Ms. Imani, even though I'm definitely younger than her.

After I finished, Ryder had an told you so expression, Nick chuckled, Justin's jaw dropped, and the girls looked like they were thinking about something. I did not want to get into it so I just shrugged and switched subjects.

"Alright so I found a couple of seats for us, but the thing is we won't all sit together, " I explained looking back at the seats. "There's a pair of seats in the 6th row, three seats in the 8th, and a single seat in the 10th row."

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