Chap 62: You...You Lied to Me

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In the last chapter~
-Imani finds out that Nick told Ryder everything
-Ryder and Imani have a heart to heart
-Ryder finds out about their 'relationship '
-Imani isn't sleeping nor eating nor talking

Nick's POV

There's one thing that is number one on my mind though. If Izari and John teamed up and they're trying to take Imani back (which I won't let happen), an all-out war will take place. For sure.

I made sure to tell the men that they are to protect her but not expose themselves and train like their lives depended on it...cuz it kinda did.

That reminds me...

I gotta call everyone back so they can prepare too...but how do I do that without telling them everything?


I swear...if I have to keep hiding things from people I'm gonna explode.

Imani's POV


“Ouch...” I cough quietly.

I get off the toilet and struggle to get back to my feet.

When I finally manage, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Momma would be so disappointed...I sniffed.

My hair was all tangled and matted. My whole face was sullen, lips cracked, skin tone paler, haven't changed clothes nor bathed myself in who knows how long, scratch marks all over my arms, my rib cage is showing, and my eyes looked a dark muddy brown.

My body still hasn't healed from my little episode a week ago and I'm suffering the consequences.

Nick used to drop off medicine for me but I wouldn't take it and that took its toll on me.

If he ever drops off more I'd take it for sure.

I just sighed and rinsed my mouth with the cool faucet water.

I haven't left the room they gave me in over a week.

At first, I was just so sad...but it got worse.

I would go from sad, to disgusted, to scared, to depressed and repeat.

Whenever I would close my eyes and try to go to sleep, I would just see my mom getting shot over and over again. I would feel and smell all the blood pooling around my knees and it made me sick. Hence, my vomiting like every other hour.

When I'd force myself to get those images out of my mind, I would see Bill getting shot in the head.

Nick, I shivered.

Nick...he killed him so easily...

What scared me the most was his manner...

His eyes were so vicious...threatening. Not the fun, caring ones I've been seeing.

And the way he held was like...

It was like he's done it before.

The more I thought about it, the more terrified I felt. The pieces were starting to come together.

I've seen him scale buildings...he has people who 'don't like him', knows how to fight, owns a lot of money, and knows how to work a gun...

Who is he? And how does his dad know me and my dad?


"Do you recognize me at all as somebody from the past?" he asked me.

One in a Million (UNEDITED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora