Chap 42: I Got It!

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In the last chapter~
-Everyone except Imani gets drunk and Imani has to find them
-While trying to find Nick, she figures out that the whiskey was drugged
-The group jumps off the railing into the pool and Imani twists her ankle
-Imani saves them from the pool
-Dylan and Imani work together to make them comfortable

Imani's POV

"What's wrong with your ankle?"

"What do you mean?" I asked back. I just finished giving everyone a pillow and huge blankets to cover themselves.

"That..." he pointed down to one of my legs.

I looked down to where he was referring to and sure enough, one of my ankles were swollen.

Oh yeah...

As soon as I looked back up at him, I collapsed to the floor...

"Imani?!" Dylan rushed over to me.

I just burst into laughter.

I guess the adrenaline wore off.

"Don't worry, it's alright, " I laughed.

"Are you sure?"

"100%" I grinned at him. "But can you get a random shirt and an ice pack for me?"

He nodded eagerly and ran to get the things I asked for.

When he came back, I placed the ice pack on my ankle and wrapped it together with the shirt.

"That's better," I nodded. "Now can you help me up?"

Dylan grabbed my hand and hauled me up to my feet in an instant.

"Wow, um ok?" I laughed as I got my balance together. I didn't think he'd be able to do it.

Just how light am I?

"Alright so now, we gotta clean up this house ok? Can you get the towels and I do the bedrooms?"

He nodded and got to work on picking up the soaking wet towels while I looked under the kitchen sink for cleaning products.

I found dishwashing gloves, rags, bleach, and dish soap.

Perfect that's all I need.

I got a bucket and filled it with hot water, bleach, and soap. Then I went to the staircase and got to work on cleaning up the vomit crud. I just finished cleaning up the mess when Dylan called to me from downstairs.

"Imani, I'm done! What now?"

"Good job! Ok, so now I need you to find a dry mop and dry all the wet spots that the towels left!" I answered.

"Ok!" he called back.

I wish it was this easy to get Raquel and Ari to clean up, I laughed.

After I made sure that there was no vomit around and that the awful smell was gone, I started tidying up all the rooms that were left a mess.

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