Chap 12: Bye b*tch

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In the last chapter~
-Raquel, Ariza, and Imani tricked Justin into watching a kid's movie
-Ryder tells the guys about how the girls are different
-Justin sees that the security from before caught up with them

Justin's POV

"They found us, " I said, pointing towards the mob of angry security from before coming towards us.

"Damn it, " Ryder cursed under his breath. "We haven't even got our tickets yet, " he complained, looking over to the looking at the long ticket line.

"Maybe we don't have to buy a ticket, " I said pointing over to the brunette worker that has been ogling us since the moment we got here.

We all made eye contact with each other in silent agreement and went over to the girls.

We told them that we have been found so we need to sneak into the theater starting with flirting with the employee.

"Do you guys get the plan?" Ryder asked them. The girls nodded their heads eagerly and went behind us. "Remember not a peep!" he warned, looking specifically at Raquel.

"I would never, " she said dramatically, holding a hand over her heart. Ariza and Imani snickered behind her.

Imani's POV

After the guys told us their plan, they each gave us their jackets to put on and hide under. I was so gratified that it was bigger than me because I'm not sure I wanted to watch what was about to go down.

This is gonna be so cringey, I whined.

The guys walked over to the pretty brunette and we quickly followed with our heads low. As soon as they got in front of her, she immediately sat up, crossed her legs seductively, and stuck out her chest slightly.

Oh, this is gonna be hard, I laughed in my head.

"What can I do for you fellas?" she asked smirking while slightly biting her lip.

This chick is trying too hard, I rolled my eyes and Ariza laughed.

"This is so cringey, " she mouthed, both Raquel and I nodded, trying to keep the laughter in.

"That depends, " Ryder started as he leaned down on the counter. "What can you do for us, " he smirked.


"Or what can we do for you?" Justin asked while winking.

Double cringe!

"I can think of a couple of things, " she said, licking her lips.


"Before we get to that, " Nick interrupted. "My friends and I want to watch a movie, " he winked.

"But of course, you have a ticket handsome?" she leaned towards him. She used her arms to clench up her boobs even more towards his face.

"You have a ticket handsome? " I mocked. Ariza and Raquel laughed. Ryder slightly kicked me and shot me a look. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You see that's the thing sweet cheeks, " Ryder smiled. "We don't have a ticket you know? Do you think you can let us in, we'd really appreciate it, " he winked while running his fingers through his hair.

"Oh, " she said coyly while standing up from her seat. She made her way over to the guys. "You're a bunch of bad boy's aren't you, " she winked.


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