Chap 13: Superpowers

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In the last chapter~
-the guys successfully flirted their way into the movie
-Raquel went all badass b*tch on the employee(Amelia)
-Imani helped Amelia get her life together

Imani's POV~

"Don't mention it, sometimes all a person needs is someone to talk to and listen to them, " I waved. She waved back and I left.

As I was walking, I found out that I had no idea where I was going.

Lol, that's just great, I laughed. I pulled my phone and had a few new messages.

Group chat:

Ry: where are you guys?

Ra: just taking care of some business 😁

A: 😂😂

N: just make sure you come straight to theater 3 got it?

Ra: yes

A: yep

J: and I want details ladies alright?💅

A: of course😂

Ra: you already know😏


Ry: how am I still friends with you?

J: oh please you know you love me😍


Ry: get away from me

End of chat

My only question is how they are able to type that much and that fast! I thought as I scrolled over the text messages.

And how are their names and numbers already saved on my phone?

Oh well, at least now I know they are. I looked up to see where I was and I was at theater 12, which is the exact opposite of the way I should have been going.

Darn it, I sighed.

Ariza's POV

Damn that was so funny! The look on that girl's face was priceless! I thought.

As we made our way over to theater 3, we saw that the guys were outside of it as the movie hadn't started yet.

Once they saw us, they came over and smiled.

"Hey, " Justin winked at me.

Wait, he winked at me? Oh good lord! I thought, having a mini heart attack.

"Sooooo?" he asked rubbing his hands together. "Are you gonna tell us what happened or no?" he asked eagerly. I looked at Raquel and she looked at me and we laughed all over again.

One in a Million (UNEDITED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang