Chap 40: The Whiskey Plan

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In the last chapter~
-Ryder's surprise for Imani is Dylan
-Ryder and Justin forget to feed Dylan
-Imani ends up cooking the food
-Imani and Nick end up having an awkward argument
-Izari is on his way to find Nick
-The group is about to go on Imani's tail for not eating

Imani's POV

"When was the last time you ate?" Ryder questioned.

I hade a granola bar this morning...but the last time I ate I think was when Nick picked me up from the alley...

Wtf?! I haven't eaten in almost 24 hours?! Lol...they are gonna kill me.

"I had breakfast this morning, " I partially lied.

"...And what did you have for breakfast?" Justin asked.

Damn you! Why do you all need every single detail! I whined in my mind.

"And don't lie, " Nick challenged. I gulped.

"U-uh, I had..." I trailed off. I looked around and everyone had their eyes fixed on me.

Looks like we can't get out of this one...

"I had a granola bar..." I confessed.

I quickly closed my eyes and sure enough, scolding and nagging followed right after.

"What the hell?!" I heard Ryder yell.

"Imani you can't keep doing that to your body!" Raquel nagged.

"How can you talk about Dylan when you didn't eat at all?" Justin scolded.

"What would your mom say?" Ariza shook her head.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Nick asked.

This went on for a while and they didn't let me go. They made me sit and listen to them.

This is why I don't tell you guys anything... I rolled my eyes.


Author's POV

While the group is scolded Imani for not eating, just outside the house Lydia is forming a plan.

You may be thinking, "What? Why is she there? How does she know where they are?"

These are very great questions.

You remember the Winne the Pooh bear that she gave Nick and how Nick heard a beeping sound coming from it? Yea, Lydia placed a tracker on that bear.

That way she always knows when Nick comes back and when he leaves. That's how she knew to come this morning.

When Imani took the bear to Nick's real house, Lydia got a notification saying that Nick was on the move.

She followed them all the way there but now she is trying to find a way to show up without Nick getting suspicious.

But what she doesn't know is that Nick lives with other people. She is assuming he is home alone.

Then all of a sudden, an idea came to her head.

"Maybe if I order Nick's favorite alcohol, drug it, and when the pill takes effect, I can just say that Nick called me there!" she spoke aloud.

Did I mention that she isn't the smartest pea in the pod? There are so many things that can go wrong with this plan...

"Hello? Yes, is this Jack Daniel's? I'm Lydia John and my daddy is Henry John. I need you to do something for me," she smirked.

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