Chap 37: Strange...

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In the last chapter~
-Everyone decides to hang out together for the weekend
-Imani realizes that she has no clothes and wants to go home to get some, Nick thinks that is a terrible idea and tells her that they should buy clothes instead
-Izari snitches on Nick to his father
-Imani is cleaning under the couch and Nick doesn't want her to find something under there

Nick's POV

"Ok, " she nodded. "Oh wait, " she looked up. "I haven't finished cleaning under the couch!" she realized.

"Oh no, that's ok!" I told her. I know for a fact something under there is gonna scare her.

"Don't worry about it, " she shrugged as she went back down under the couch.

"We just have to clean up some...candy wrappers, dust, trash...oh there's some condom wrappers, " she laughed at the last one.

"Imani, please!" I begged her. If there were condom wrappers then...

"I'm almost done, don't worry, " she reassured.

That's what I'm afraid of...

"The only thing that's left is this little piece of plastic, " she said.

"Imani don't touch it!" I scrambled. I grabbed her legs and started pulling her.

"Ow!" she squeaked. She got caught on something and couldn't get out. "Nick, stop it, just wait for me, " she whined.

"Imani, you don't understand, " I rambled.

"I almost got it though, " she said. "It looks kinda crusty. Is it old?"

This girl...

"Imani, please?" I whined. "You don't want to touch it, I promise you."

"Oh stop being a baby I already have it, " she scolded.

She scooted out from under the couch and I awaited her reaction nervously.

She shook the dust from her hair and held up the condom to see what it was.

Her eyes narrowed and widened at the same time. She then looked towards me with her wide eyes and I nodded with embarrassment.

"EW!" she screamed. She flung the condom in the trash and scrambled to get up and wipe herself off.

"Oh my goodness, I just touched that. Ew, Ew, Ew, " she paced back and forth while rambling. "Your...thing was in that and that whole thing a girl. And it was under the couch! And I touched it! Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick!" she ranted.

"Imani..." I trailed off. "It's just a condom!"

"Yeah, no. Now I know I'm gonna be sick!" she gagged as she ignored me.

"Imani, what's the big deal? It's just a condom, " I huffed.

She automatically stopped pacing and glared at me.

"I don't care that it's 'just a condom', " she mocked. "That's not what bothers me, what bothers me is that it was under the couch!" she raised her voice.

"It just makes me wonder what else is around the house..." she shuddered. "There's no telling what else lies in the house, " she said nervously.

Clean freak, I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"When we come back, I'm deep cleaning this whole house!" Imani warned as she traveled to the bathroom to wash her hands. I laughed at her again.

As soon as she left, I heard a strange beeping noise coming from the floor.

One in a Million (UNEDITED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora