Chap 18: See, I keep my promises

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In the last chapter~
-Dylan finds Imani unconscious
-The Gardens find Raquel
-Nick recognizes the family
-Dylan tells Nick how he and Imani met
-Dylan tells them that he doesn't think Imani fell down the stairs

Nick's POV

He was gonna say something else but bit his lip instead. "What else happened, what's wrong?" I encouraged him.

"I, " he started. "I don't think she fell down the stairs, " he blurted.


"What do you mean?" Ryder asked from the driver's seat.

"W-well, I mean she did fall, but I don't think it was on accident, " he explained.

"When I ran over to her, I looked up to find help but there wasn't any staff around, " he whimpered. "But when I looked up, there was this scary looking guy just watching us from the top of the stairs, " he described.

"He wasn't even trying to help, he just stared at Imani. After a while he looked up and caught me gazing at him. I asked him for help but he just smiled, got up, and walked away, " he shook. "It was weird, " he told me, leaning on me.

I made eye contact with Ryder and he mouthed the words, "On it".

"Is she really gonna be ok?" Dylan asked. I opened my mouth to assure him but I was cut off.

"How many times do I have to say that I'm fine?" said a raspy voice.

We turned around and saw that Imani had sat up and was facing us with a wide smile on her face.

"Woah woah woah, " Ariza spoke up. "Should you even be sitting up right now?" she questioned.

"Yeah, lay back down, we are almost at your house, " ordered Raquel.

She just rolled her eyes and laid her back on the seat, Ryder threatened her with his eyes but she just shrugged. "This is the best you're gonna get, " she declared and stuck out her tongue.

Dylan laughed and Imani opened her arms to him. He willingly crawled over and sat in her lap once again.

"I promised you that I was gonna be ok right?" she grinned at him. He looked up and nodded. "See, I keep my promises, " she teased and ruffled his hair.

Dylan only lets a few people around him. He likes the guys and I because we have been around him since he was very young. He has only known Imani for not even a full day and is already laying on her and letting her touch him. The only question left is,

What else can she do?

Imani's POV

Once the guys came over and took Dylan from me, they were in the process of trying to wake him up. When he did wake up, he got so excited, it was adorable. I guess he knew them already. It was really cute seeing Dylan laughing and hugging them.

As Dylan, Nick, and the rest of the guys were having their reunion, I found it very difficult to stay awake. My head was stilling pounding and I couldn't move. My consciousness was slipping unwillingly and I ended up blacking out again.

I awoke to the jolts of a moving car. I looked around and saw that I was laid out over 3 car seats, Dylan and Nick were in front of me, then Ariza and Raquel, and Ryder in the driver's seat with Justin in the passenger seat.

I moved my arms a bit and realized that I could move! I didn't have that horrible headache either, it was great! I swung my legs over carefully to the ground. They were sore but nothing I couldn't handle. I sat up in a seat and stretched.

Damn, I've never felt this good after falling downstairs, I laughed.

Maybe we should get pushed downstairs more often, my brain suggested.

Shut up, I snapped.

"Is she really gonna be ok?" Dylan asked Nick.

Aw, damn I should have tried harder to stay awake, I cursed.

"How many times do I have to say that I'm fine?" I asked him. My voice was raspy but it could be heard. Everyone turned their heads towards me in shock, I just smiled and waved.

"Woah woah woah, " Ariza cut in. "Should you even be sitting up right now?" she questioned me. I was gonna answer but then Ryder cut me off.

"Yeah, lay back down, we are almost at your house, " Raquel ordered.

Y'all thought I was gonna lay back down. I rolled my eyes.

I swung my legs back around to the seat and just leaned against the side of the car. I saw Ryder's eyes challenging me but I shrugged it off.

"This is the best your gonna get, " I announced while sticking my tongue out, Dylan laughed at me.

Oh, yea! I remembered.

I stuck out my hands for him to crawl over to me and he did. He straddled my lap and I looked at him. He was crying.

"I promised you I was gonna be ok, right?" I assured him while smiling. He looked up at me, nodded once, and snuggled his head into my chest. "See, I keep my promises, " I laughed while ruffling his hair.

The car was still on the freeway because there was traffic so Dylan ended up going back to sleep in my arms.

I really want to see this cutie home, plus if something were to happen, I don't want him to witness that, I thought.

For once I agree, my little voice answered.

He is too precious, it cooed.

Wow, that's a first, I snorted.

Shut up, she snapped at me in my mind.

"Can we drop him off first?" I pleaded with Nick. He thought about it for a moment, looked over to Dylan, and smiled.

"Yeah sure why not? " he said. He nodded towards Ryder and Ryder took the next exit to Dylan's house.

After a while, I saw Ryder stealing glances at me like he wanted to ask me something.

"Just spit it out Ryder, " I grumbled, finally getting annoyed from it.

He looked shocked but shook it off real quick. "I just wanted to ask..." he trailed off. "How did you fall down?" he asked me seriously.

Uh, what?

I looked at him confused but he still looked serious. Everyone did actually.

"Well, I thought it would be self-explanatory, " I started. "I tumbled and rolled at first. And I think I bounced off a couple of stairs but I'm not too sure-" I explained only to be cut off.

"That's not what I meant!" Ryder rolled his eyes. Raquel and Ariza were cracking up laughing with Justin and Nick.

"Well, that's what it sounded like, " I laughed.

"Nevermind, " Ryder grumbled.

A couple of minutes went by and I was getting sleepy, we still had like another hour ahead of us. I decided to take a nap with Dylan. I shifted myself down and laid on my side while I placed Dylan inside my arms so if the car were to jump, he would be safe.

I was just drifting off when Nick turned around and looked at us while smiling. I smiled back groggily and he chuckled. He pulled a blanket from a panel in the roof and placed it on us.

"Thank...*yawn* you, " I thanked him.

He just laughed again and said, "Don't worry about it, ..." he said something else at the end but my eyes couldn't hold out any longer and I drifted off into a great nap.

Thanks for reading!

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