It's for his happiness. 

1.7K 58 11

This is super long, I feel like I should do this to make it up to you guys for reading all the author notes I put.

This chapter together is over 7000 words, I will personally congratulate you if you read this entire thing.

I hope you guys enjoy!

   It happened all so fast, one minute a young Peter Stark was enjoying fireworks on the fourth, then the next he was on the ground, covering his ears as a loud ringing went through. He felt someone grab him tapping his face, telling him to wake up. Peter looked at saw his dad, blood running down the side of his face, and a worried look.
"Daddy?" Peter asked, Tony said something but Peter couldn't hear, "I-I can't hear..." Peter whispered, Tony's eyes went wide. He held his son close and Justin Hammer walked to them, tears ran down Tony's face as he look at Hammer.
"What do you want Hammer?" Tony growled, "to take away everything from me? My son? My life? I'm a single father, I've already had everything taken from me." Tony cried, Hammer smirked at Tony.
"The company, that's all I ask Tony, I want your company." Hammer said, "if you don't agree, I have another set of suits ready to attack." Tony looked at his son, tears ran down his face, he looked at Hammer, it was a choice, his son's life or his company. Tony looked at Hammer.
"Go tot in hell bi*ch!" Tony spat, and before hammer could set the suits off, Tony took off with his son in his arms, he got in the car, not thinking, he didn't put Peter in his car seat in the back, putting him in the front and making sure that his was buckled tightly. Tony took off, driving as fast as possible down the highway, till a suit landed in front of him, and the car swerved, crashing right into a store front.

- the next morning -
"In recent news, Tony Stark was found in a car with his five year old son, both seemed to be in very bad condition as they were rushed to the hospital, Tony handed over his company to Hammer industries, saying some a long the lines of, "if you take my company you take me, hopefully you rot in hell." Tony is now recovering smoothy as for his son, that information has been released to the public, let just hope that kid is okay. Back to you Jim."
"Thanks John, as we wait for news on Mr. Stark and his son, Hammer has spoken about his recent gain of Stark Industries." The screen changes to a press conference, Hammer stood in front of everyone, Pepper behind him, a angered look on her face, flashes snapped as he started to talk.
"I'm so glad we are here today, and it's so sad that Tony Stark was in that accident, but he had agreed to hand over his company to me, so now you are looking at the new and improved CEO of stark industries! Any questions?" A few reporters asked some questions, til one question Hammer froze.
"How did Mr. Stark hand over his company to a low life like you?" They asked Hammer choked on his water.
"What makes you think I had any relation into him handing over the company to a Superior mind like mine?" Hammer asked the reporter rolled her eyes.
"Ms. Potts your thoughts on the situation? You are close to Mr. Stark are you not?" She asked Pepper.
"I believe that Tony isn't in the right mind set, he was in a car accident last night and Hammer came to him this morning asking what he'll do with the company." Pepper said, "Tony would never do that to his company unless his son was endanger! Hammer, don't talk to me, if you want more answers on Tony or updates Please give us some time, Mr. Stark is going through a lot. Good bye!" And with that Pepper left, Hammer telling at her to get back to him, but she ignored him, walking away as cameras flashed, and some video cameras zoomed in on her.

Tony shut off the TV, he was sitting next to his son, he was allowed to see him, Peter was asleep soundly, a heart monitor hooked up to him, a IV in his arm, and blood was hooked up in his arm. Tony turned when the door opened, Dr. conners walked in.
"I knew I would find you here, we got some of the test results back, it's seems Peter will be okay." Conners said, Tony nodded, "but.."
"But?" Tony asked, conners looked up from the chart.
"He's Deaf." Tony held his breath, he looked at his son, tears in his eyes.
"Is there any thing we can do?" Tony asked.
"One Eardrum was severely injured, to the point of no repair, his other one works a
Bit, but it'll be a matter time till it stops." Conners said, "we can give him a hearing aid, be the chances of it working when he grows older are very small." Tony held Peter's hand, tears now ran down his face, his son was Deaf and there was nothing he could do to help him, Tony hugged his son, and kissed his head. "I'll leave you two be." Conners then left.
A little later Rhodey and Pepper came by to visit, Tony was still with Peter, who was now awake, they were coloring in coloring books, he laughed as Peter showed Tony his picture.
"Very good Peter." Tony smiled, Peter smiled at him, Pepper smiled as Peter went back to coloring and Rhodey was looking out the window.
"You know the press is having a field day right?" Pepper asked. Tony sighed and nodded, he picked up a red crayon, and coloring in a flower.
"What do you want me to do Pep? Tell them what really happened last night? Who do you think they'll believe? A drunk that has a son because of a one night stand? Or Hammer who now owns two Multi billion dollar company?" Tony asked looking at her, "I do everything I could to keep Peter away from the press, but one small slip up, the whole world knew I had a son, and everyone has tried to hurt him, now Hammer did it, he finally broke me, he almost killed my son and me. We were having fun as a family watching Fireworks on the fourth, and he came along and hurt... no make my son deaf! Do you know how bad this hurts... I know my son will never hear my voice again?" Tony said, "I love my son More then I love my company, Peter is first and Hammer used him for the company."
"Then we tell them!" Rhodey said, "We tell the press the truth, Hammer goes to jail and you get your company back!" Tony shook his head.
"I rather be broke then have Peter in danger all the time... I just love him too much..." Tony watched as Peter colored in a dear, a smile on his face, and his tongue sticking out. Tony smiled and kissed his son's head, Peter smiled and went to the next page of a tiger.
"What do you want to do Tony?" Pepper asked, Tony looked at her, a idea popped in his head.
"Tell them the whole damn story."

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