Chapter 103

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103. Things About Being an Empress, Part 2

Shu Shu and the two children cuddled for a while. Then he remembered that he had not greeted Ian and felt a little embarrassed.

Ian had long known about Shu Shu’s rather special origin as well as his lack of worldly wisdom and was actually accustomed to it, so he just smiled appeasingly.
Upon seeing this, Shu Shu immediately felt relieved. After greeting Ian, he asked Jones whether he wanted to have a checkup.
This hospital was a charity. All the patients who came could not pay for the cost of medical care and medicines, and they basically had serious problems. In the matter of pregnancy . . . every pregnancy checkup in the Beastman Empire was free, so naturally, no one came here. Consequently, Shu Shu had not personally examined other pregnant sub-beastmen except Jones. As for Jones, when he checked Jones before, the egg was still just a soft egg yolk, and he could not see anything inside. But now Jones was about a month away from giving birth, so the child in his belly should have almost developed.
Looking at Jones's belly, Shu Shu was very curious—he wondered whether Jones would give birth to a beastman or a sub-beastman . . . .
Jones himself was a doctor and had already checked himself with instruments. Checking again with instruments was meaningless, so Shu Shu used spiritual power . . . .
Spiritual power slowly entered Jones' body and stopped over Jones' abdomen, and the situation there began to be seen by Shu Shu . . . .
"It’s a sub-beastman." Shu Shu suddenly stated. Jones still had a few days wait before giving birth. The instruments of the Beastman Empire could not see the child's situation, but his spiritual power could see it. By looking at the child's development and comparing it with the medical information, he could see that the child was a sub-beastman.
"Really?" Jones, looking at Shu Shu in astonishment, was pleasantly surprised. The Beastman Empire always had more beastmen and fewer sub-beastmen, and everyone basically wished to give birth to sub-beastmen.
Sub-beastmen were good, ah. Beastmen usually had so-so relationship with their parents. Once they grew up, they would run off to chase after sub-beastmen. What about sub-beastmen? They were always closer to their parents, and when they had a partner in the future . . . then the partner had to please the sub-beastman’s parents well!
Ian was also pleasantly surprised. "It’s actually a sub-beastman!" Heaven knew how much he liked sub-beastman babies. Each and every one of them was absolutely cute, ah! Of course, the little hamster Gary was also not bad.  
Shu Shu, on the contrary, was not that strongly attached to sub-beastman babies. As long as he did not give birth to a snake, everything else looked the same to him. However, it was obvious that other people's way of thinking was very different, and they were all very happy.
Ever since Reynolds knew that Jones had a child, he especially worked hard and worked even harder all day long figuring out how to make money, vowing that he had to make a lot of money to raise the child. Meanwhile, Jones began to read parenting books every day. He and Ian also investigated how to take care of sub-beastmen and tried to test it on Gary . . . .
Gary was totally uncooperative with this. He did not eat any sub-beastman food and ate much more beastman food than beastman babies of the same size. In addition, his development was completely in accordance with that of beastmen.
Sub-beastman babies grew very slowly and needed to be carefully raised like human babies, and they were also susceptible to illness. Gary, however, was different. He grew fast, was particularly robust, and had never fallen ill. He was really nothing like sub-beastmen.
Ian had no choice but to raise Gary like Fred in the end. He even had to look on helplessly as the two children fought . . . . Fred, be careful, ah, don't hurt your younger brother!
Ian once again hurried the little snake, who was pressing down the little hamster, aside without forgetting to warn him. The little snake nodded obediently and continued to run while being chased by the little hamster everywhere. Compared with his younger brother, he was indeed much stronger. At least his younger brother could not scratch the scales on his body when he tried to catch him with his paws. If he gave his younger brother a paw . . . .   

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