New captain

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Jack POV- we were getting a captain today the chief told us it wasn't going to be me or Andy so we were expecting and outsider I went to go see Andy before we found out
"Hey babe" "hey you ready" she said kissing me "no not really I don't like the idea of having some random coming into our station" "no one does" then Vic came and called us "hey the chief is here with the new captain" "we'll now or never"

Andy POV- we walked outside to be introduced to the new captain "ok 19 this is your new captain Robert Sullivan" we were all silent but I hate the quiet "hi Andy Herrera" I said shaking his hand. He had a slight smile on his face he was cute then jack interrupted our hand shake which I guess was a little longer then it needed to be "hi Jack Gibson" his smile went away and he shook his hand then the rest of the team introduced them selfs "alright I'm sure I'll get to know you all over time but for now I believe it breakfast time. We were all hungry so everyone quickly went to the kitchen once everyone got their food we all sat down jack sat next to me as alway and captain was at the end of the table when he asked "so if you all don't mind me asking anyone in a relationship here just trying to get to know the team" everyone was ok with him asking seeing as he's now apart of 19 but Vic answered for all of us "I'm married to Lucas, Dean is single but he has a kid, Andy and jack are dating" he had a disappointed face "maya has a girlfriend who we are all waiting to meet" maya chuckled as did all of us "Travis is single, and Ben is married. What about you cap" "I'm dating someone"

Robert POV- when I said I was dating someone Andy looked down at the floor then Vic said "we'll you should bring her here tomorrow for thanksgiving" "yeah I might" then the alarm went off and everyone ran.

Really quickly this chapter is short because I'm just trying it out if you guys like it so far I'll keep writing and the chapters will be longer
As always stay safe❤️

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