Mic just got Served

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Midoriya was, of course, asleep. It was almost as common as seeing Aizawa asleep now. And you would think that with how much Aizawa sleeps in the teacher's lounge, that teachers wouldn't be coming in screaming. You would think, right? Wrong.

Present Mic has almost made it into a game; see how fast he can run after rudely waking the sleeping grinch upon his arrival. The other teachers won't stop it, it's free entertainment, and if the students get an even more healthy fear of Aizawa, well, no harm done.

So when Present Mic bangs loudly open the lounge door, already screaming at the top of his lungs about his class, he's not expecting to be quickly and violently thrown back through the door by a pillar of cement to the gut. Nor is he expecting to be almost instantly knocked out when he tried to get back up. But really, he should have known better. Especially given how much time Midoriya seems to spend in there, sleeping on or with one of the teachers.

And nobody wakes the boy in front of the teachers. Nobody.


I've created a discord for this fic! If you're interested or just want to check it out, the link is in the external links!

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