UA Traitor

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The door to the bar opened with a long squeal, in stepped a child, Shigaraki looked up from his game as Kurogiri merely keeps an eye on them while cleaning the counter.

"Get lost, kid," Shigaraki says, red eyes glaring a hole into them.

The intruder barely spares him a thought, dismissing him with a simple; "I'm not here for you, Manchurian Candidate."

That leaves Shigaraki simultaneously confused and enraged as the TV turns on, showing a black screen with 'Audio Only' in bright blue.

"Well, if it isn't my little traitor, finally back from UA."

"You're going to uphold our deal, yes?"

"Of course. No one else will ever know. You can even keep your heroic life for now."

"For now," the kid mocks, "I already told you, you can't make me a villain. Or is your memory really that bad, old man?"

A long static-y sigh from the TV as Shigaraki itches his neck at the nerve of this kid. "Once the heroes find out who you are, they'll brand you as a villain no matter what you say."

"But they won't find out. How's that old song go? Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead? And I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

A dry chuckle, "a simple genetics test is all they need to find out, whether I tell them or not."

"Guess I'll just have to bank on them not being caught then, hmm?"

A moment of silence, "I suppose so. Kurogiri, if you would. Now, my little traitor, come here."

The kid steps through the warpgate without hesitation. As soon as it's gone, All for One asks, "so, you finally found a way to copy it?"

"Yeah, it was difficult to isolate the quirk genes from the DNA, and involved quite a bit of science that isn't actually known yet, but we got it done."

"You and...?"

The kid lets a smile drape across their lips, "my science buddies, who else?"

"You're not going to tell me who they are, are you?"

"Nope. They're too good to let you know about right now."

All for One huffs a laugh, "okay, keep your secrets then. Moving on, my mind seemed to have blanked in my old age, refresh my memory, would you? What were the terms of our deal?"

"I'm to give All Might's quirk to you, in exchange, you deal with my bullies and train me. You put me in a position close to All Might, in this case, as a student at UA, and I found a way to get close to him and his quirk. You turned my old bullies into Nomu with the exception of one, whom I changed my mind about. Am I missing anything, Father?"

A chuckle, "no, no. I'm just wondering how you think you're not a villain after everything you've done and agreed to."

"Because this is a business transaction, nothing more, nothing less. And you're the only one doing anything remotely illegal or immoral."

"You're stealing someone's quirk."

"I'm copying someone's quirk. All Might will still be able to use it, to a lesser degree due to his failing body, but he still has it until it's fully passed on to his successor."

"I always forget how much you love loopholes. Well, get on with it, come here," the man holds out his hand and the kid takes it.

 By the time they separate, All for One looks far happier than before, "you're not going to kill him are you?"

A light chuckle, "no, he'll die eventually, why bother wasting effort on a dead man walking?"

"Alright, I guess this is goodbye then, Father."

"I guess so," All for One reaches over a presses a button and a warpgate opens behind the kid. As they're turning to leave he says, "stay safe till we meet again, Izuku."

The kid ignores him, walking through the warpgate, past the irritated man child in the bar and out the door. The heroes were none the wiser that they had had two traitors in their mists within UA. Even when they finally catch the traitor, they had no idea about Izuku's involvement. And no one thought to check All for One's DNA against anyone else's when he was caught. Izuku was going to get away scott-free, not that he did anything wrong anyway.

~AN~ Is this cannon? No, I was watching a youtube video and was inspired, but it's not really cannon bc he's not being Cuddly, I just didn't know where else to put this, so.... whatever, I guess.

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