Kacchan Cuddles!

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Kirishima watched on (numb from shock) as Monoma unknowingly talked himself into death by explodomurder™.

"Is that attitude why Izuku never hugs you?" Monoma ended his tirade with a smirk, Kiri and Kaminari watching, jaws slack, eyes wide, brains completely stuttering to a halt.

"The fuck'd you say, CrapCopy™!?!" Bakugo exploded, hands reaching to grab the poor, stupid boy in front of them.

Before his already sparking hands could land though, a flash of green collided with him, landing him back in his chair with Izuku firmly on his lap, arms around his neck, glaring over his shoulder at Monoma. Bakugo lost most of his anger but held a tenseness of shock or surprise for a long moment before he sneered at Monoma, snarling, "fuck out of here, MimicMoron™."

Kaminari and Kirishima both let out relieved sighs that they wouldn't be witness to a very loud murder just yet. Izuku stayed with them for the rest of lunch.

And if Izuku kept appearing whenever someone with ill will brought up his avoidance of Bakugo, well, Bakugo wasn't going to complain about the hugs and cuddles he got. Nor was he going to acknowledge the little warm and fuzzy feeling he got in his chest whenever Izuku showed up to glare them to embarrassment and social death in his defense.

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