AfO vs All Might Battle! Alternate Version!

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Izu was suddenly brought back from his mind when he realized that AfO had the perfect way to get under All Might's guard. Quickly he dropped his shock blanket and disappeared, on the hunt for All Might.

Meanwhile, All Might had just arrived at the warehouse scene, nearly all the heroes knocked out or bleeding out like Best Jeanist. The back up police and rescue units were already working on getting both heroes and civilians out of the ruble of the collapsed buildings. The few conscious heroes were fighting what was left of the League as All Might and AfO face off.

All for One has barely finished his first taunt when an acidic green streak lands on his face. All Might blinks, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was, but no such luck. Midoriya was there, clinging to the man's front, arms around his helmet.

"I think it's time for you to be quite, All for One, don't you?" Izuku said with a cheery voice, but anyone could feel the threat under it. "As much as I love the free information you give away, somethings are best not said to some people. Don't you think?"

All Might unconsciously swallowed, backing away, as did most of the heroes and villains still watching. Either because of the tone the boy used or because they figured AfO would lash out violently. But that didn't happen, AfO just laughed, raising one hand towards the remainders of his little League, the other coming up to Midoriya's back.

"Very well, my boy," he sends the villains off with Kurogiri's warp quirk, not giving them the chance to argue as he pats the greenette's back. "Very well. You can keep this secret if it amuses you. But be warned, Izuku, some secrets are better told sooner than found out later."

There was silence for a minute before Izuku hummed and called for someone to put cuffs on the man. As AfO was being carted away, he murmured, just loud enough for him to hear, "I'll keep that in mind, sir. But you should start reflecting on your plans, don't you think?"

AfO laughed at that, continuing long after he'd been driven off to Tartarus.

All Might broke out of his shock about the time the door closed on his wheezy laughs and set a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. The boy quickly leaned into the weight and nearly buckled as his adrenaline came to a crashing halt. All Might picked him up carefully and Izuku tried to keep his eyes open.

No one asked what secret AfO was referring to, Tsukauchi made sure no police harassed them and UA did the rest. Izuku told the detective to look into Nana Shimura's descendants but didn't say anything beyond that. It was something best figured out themselves.

~AN~ It's been pointed out to me that I forgot to mention that the last four chapters may or may not have actually happened, and may or may not be referenced to later. It's up to you to decide if you want to believe it happened or not! Thanks for reading!

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