AfO vs All Might Aftermath!

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It was three days after the Kamino Incident and the media was still up in a storm about the green haired boy who took out the villain many are calling 'Japan's Bane' (since neither the his real name nor his villain name was being released to the public) and defeated the Hero Killer: Stain not two months before (since the arrest was originally credited to Endeavor, but, when the man was arrested, it came to light that he hadn't actually been the one to take the serial killer down). Nezu had...persuaded All Might to do an interview so the media would get off their backs about everything, so, of course, Nezu had recorded the live broadcast for future teasing. It went a little something like this:

"Hello, and welcome back! For those of you just joining us, I'm Nagisa Akita, and our next guest is a hero who's been in the news a lot recently for his battle with Japan's Bane three days ago! Please welcome the Number One Hero; All Might!"

All Might walks into screen, waving at the live studio audience and bowing slightly to Nagisa, who hastily bows back much deeper than necessary, he goes to sit in the armchair facing the blue skinned host.

"Thank you for coming, All Might-san. It's an honor to have you!"

"It's an honor to be here, Nagisa-san."

"Now, there are a few rumors by some of the survivors who were stuck in the rubble during the fight that I think everyone would like addressed. Is it true that Hero Course Student, 'Deku', who, in the end, defeated Japan's Bane, did so on accident in an attempt to get a hug from you?"

The woman's yellow eyes glowed as All Might fidgeted, just slightly uncomfortable. "Ah, well, I didn't ask the boy. While his reasons for intervening are unknown to me, currently, I can say with certainty that my so-" All Might coughed, just barely suppressing the blood that threatened to spew at his slip up, "student, had a plan and took out the villain on purpose, and not by any accident."

A smile spread across the Nagisa's face, as she sweetly said, "of course. It might not have been an accident, but was your son's main goal to take down that villain or was it to hug you, as the rumors say?"

All Might's face was pink, "again, I can not confirm or deny his intentions, merely...." His pink face gradually became red as he spluttered, nearly spitting out blood as his mind processed her sentence again. Her smile only grew at his struggle until he was able to put a coherent sentence together, "I-I would love for Deku to be my son, but unfortunately, he is only a precious student to me."

"Oh? Are we going to be seeing an adoption in the future?"

"No, the boy has a very loving family and I don't wish to break that apart," All Might assured.

"My family loves you, you wouldn't be breaking or intruding on anything," a voice mumbled sleepily. And that's when everyone noticed the green haired kid in All Might's lap.

Nagisa blinked, eyes going over to the cameramen for conformation that the boy is really there and they just hadn't noticed until now. All Might, for his part, just smiled down at the kid and patted his head as Izuku laid his head back into the cradle of All Might's neck.

The interview continued from there, All Might a lot more calm and relaxed now. It was finally brought to everyone's attention that the boy was no longer there when All Might got up to leave after he'd been given a small outro right before their commercial break.

The next day, nearly all the social media sites' top tags were 'Deku', 'UA Cryptid', 'Deku Hero Cryptid', 'All Might 2.0', and some variation there of. It became the most watched clip on HeroTube® practically overnight. If Nezu applauded Izu later that week during one of their chess game/cuddling/tea break, no one else would ever know.

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