002 - IZUKU

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After I met Hisako that day, we became instant friends and always hung out when we could. Kacchan- or Bakugo and I never really spoke to each other after, and we eventually stopped being friends. When we went to middle school, Hisako and I parted ways since she went to a different middle school and we couldn't hang out as much. I started creating different inventions, going to junkyards and dumps to collect materials. It wasn't long before my room became filled with different weapons and gears. I still dreamed of going to UA, but I aimed to be in the support course. Maybe Hisako would be there too.

Middle school went by like a breeze, and luckily Bakugo and his goons would only torment me a couple times, not doing anything major. During that time, I've started getting into heroes that use support items such as Eraserhead and Present Mic, and based a few of my inventions off of them. Soon they became my favorite hero, and I stopped fanboying over All Might as much as I used to.

One day I was walking home and writing some notes about a hero fight that happened earlier today. I passed under a tunnel while quietly mumbling to myself. I heard a loud noise from behind me, and as soon as I turned around, I was captured in some weird dark substance. Everything was muffled and I started panicking. Crap! I can't get into my pocket to activate my protection device! This thing is suffocating me! I felt myself losing consciousness as the thing that was holding me hostage laughed and said something I couldn't make out. The last thing I saw before blacking out was a flash of light and a tall muscular man.

I open my eyes to see All Might staring at me, and I immediately sit up and freak out. "Oh good! Thought we lost you there for a second!" All Might laughs, and I get up and exclaim, "Oh my gosh All Might! I'm a huge fan of you and- Oh no where's my notebook I want you to sign it-" I found my notebook on the floor and picked it up, finding his signature covering two empty pages. I fanboyed over it and thanked him profusely. "Oh no need to worry young one! It's just all in a day's work!" All Might told me, and I looked around, wondering where the villain went. "Hey All Might, where did the villain go?" I asked him, and he laughed loudly. "Don't worry, the evildoer is right here," All Might started, gesturing towards the two bottles of green sludge in his pockets, "I'll need to take him down to the station so the police can deal with him." I nodded and looked up at my idol, still starstruck that he was in front of me. Just as he started to walk off, I said, "Wait, All Might!" He looked back at me confused, and I gripped my notebook a little harder. I already know the answer, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

"Is it still possible to become a hero if I don't have a quirk?" I asked, and he flinched. "I'm sorry, but no. You'll only be a liability to others if you keep getting yourself in danger with nothing to protect yourself." He told me solemnly as he continued walking off. "Oh okay All Might, see you soon!" I told him as I walked off, holding my notebook and looking at my notes that somehow remained legible.

As I walked away, I felt something was off, and glanced at the tunnel where I left All Might. He was gone, presumably already leaving to turn the villain to the cops. I decided to turn around and take a walk to clear my head a bit before heading home.

I stopped by a cafe, getting a smoothie and sitting down. I decided to take more notes and come up with different inventions that I could make when I get home. I did my best not to mumble and scare anyone in the slightly crowded cafe.

Suddenly, I heard an explosion and people panicking and screaming. I abandoned my nearly empty smoothie as I quickly threw my notebook into my bag, hoisting it onto my back as I ran out along with everyone else.

There was a giant sludge monster, and it seems to have captured someone. Upon closer look, I recognized the sludge monster as the one that All Might captured earlier. I thought All Might took that thing to the police station already! I noticed the fires surrounding the beast were growing larger, and the pro heroes already there were unable to do much. I looked to see who the sludge monster captured now, and nearly gasped. It was Bakugo.

Before I knew it, I ran past the crowd and past the heroes, towards the sludge monster. I threw my backpack into its eyes, and saw it loosened its grasp on Bakugo. Everyone either yelled at me for being reckless and to get back or just watched in horror. I pulled out an invention in my back pocket, a grappling hook, and aimed it at Bakugo, firing and watching it latch onto Bakugo's free arm, starting to pull him free. I struggled to keep the hook steady, the sludge monster starting to pull toward it. "You pesky brat! I'll end you both!" The sludge monster growled out. He raised his fist and swung it towards me.

Just before I knew the sludge monster could punch me, I felt a gust of wind and heard someone yell. I squeezed my eyes shut and before I knew it, a body was thrown into me and we both fell to the floor. It was silent for a few moments before the crowd was cheering. I opened my eyes to see Bakugo getting off of me, and we both got up. I retracted the hook and it let go of Bakugo's arm and back into the launcher. Before he could say anything to me the pro heroes went over and talked to both of us, praising Bakugo for being brave and me for being brave enough to use a piece of equipment to help out. They eventually let us leave since the sun started going down.

I walked home quietly, clutching my backpack which remained undamaged along with all my other things. I heard Bakugo yell my name and stomping, so I turned around and looked at him with an unamused face. "What do you want Bakugo? I need to go home before my mom gets worried and I had some ideas for new support gear that I wanted to make." I asked him, slightly irritated that he's stopping me from going home. He seemed to tense up a bit from being called Bakugo, but immediately returned to looking angry. "I just wanted to tell you that I didn't need your help, you damned nerd! I was just fine on my own, and you didn't have to come in to help!" He yelled at me before running off. I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking home, not really thinking about Bakugo's words.

Just as I took one step, All Might dashed in front of me, yelling "I am here!" I yelped in surprise, and heard him laugh. "Ah, I found you young man!" He exclaimed, seemingly proud. I smiled at him, excited that I got to see him twice in one day. "Wow All Might! How did you manage to escape the reporters?" I asked, and he replied, "Real heroes are meant to help others and stop crime, not answer questions to the press!" He started smoking and soon he poofed into a small skinny and weak man, puking up some blood. "A-All Might!? You turned all skinny and stuff!" I screamed out in horror.

He sighed and I stopped screaming. "Yea, this is the real me. The smiling strong man you see in all the merch and pictures is just a form I have," He explained and lifted up his shirt to show an ugly scar on his chest, "This scar was from six years ago in a battle that I managed to keep secret. All the surgeries I had to try and fix it just left me worn out. In the end I lost my stomach and ruined my lungs, and I can only do hero work in my buff form for about three hours. The rest of the time I look like this." I looked at the scar on his chest, then up at him, unable to form words. "The reason I came to this town was because I was looking for a successor to inherit my power to take the title of Symbol of Peace." He told me, and my eyes widened. "Wait, you can transfer your quirk to other people?!" I exclaimed. He told me, "Well, it only works with the quirk I have. It's called 'One for All'. it allows quirks and powers to stockpile from user to user. I'm able to pass on my quirk to others, and it's lethal if it falls into the wrong hands. That's why it's important that the name of my quirk remains secret. " I processed the new information, asking, "So you were saying you needed a successor for your quirk, but it sounds like you already found one. Who is it?"

He pointed at me, and that's when I knew my life was about to change forever.

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