012 - IZUKU

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I was currently sitting on the guest bed in Hisoka’s house, his mother doing an x-ray on my left foot. Hisoka watched his mother nervously, glancing at me from time to time. I kept sending him reassuring looks. After his mom finished the x-ray, we waited a couple moments for the results to come back. “So what do you think’s going on? Why would you randomly get a quirk after all this time?” Hisoka asked, and I couldn’t think of an answer. We sat in silence while we waited for his mother to come back.

The door bust open, Hisoka’s mother having a determined look on her face. “He only has one joint in his pinky toe!” She exclaimed, and we looked at her with wide eyes. “What do you mean? I don’t have a second joint? B-but the doctor-” “The doctor lied and said you have two joints. I just x-rayed your toe and it shows that there was never a second joint at all.” She explained, and I looked at her in disbelief. Hisoka was looking at me with disbelief. “So does that mean that he’s been subconsciously using his quirk this entire time?” He asks, and his mom shakes her head. “Him being constantly warm is a side effect, but he can turn it off if he concentrates, or if he is startled or caught off guard.” She explained more. After a few more questions, she let us go over to Hisoka’s room.

So I had a quirk the whole time, but why would the doctor lie to me?

Hisoka and I went over to his room, where we went through his inventions and both talked about our quirks while tinkering with his unfinished projects. We both decided to not talk about how the doctor lied to me about my quirk. I'm sure we'll get all the answers soon.

-Time skip to when the Hero Course Kids go to the USJ-

Hisoka and I were in the workshop, working on inventions when the power in the school turned off, leaving all of us in a dimmed room. Power Loader told us to wait in the room while he went to check on what was happening. Hisoka and I glanced at each other before leaving the room as well to see what was going on.

We looked out the window in the hallways and saw some people by the walls of the school, doing questionable things. “We need to tell a teacher about this.” I say and try to contact a teacher, but the signal is cut off. I look over at Hisoka who also can’t reach anyone. “Looks like they cut the signal off. We’ll have to take them down ourselves.” He says, and we both run off, ready to fight and do our best to help save the day.

A/N: Oh my gosh its been a while since I posted haha, school has gotten me all wrapped up and I'm having a bit of writers block (plus im working on a few other projects) but the next few chapters will come out soon! (i hope)

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