013 - IZUKU

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We rushed to the borders of the school where we saw the villains, and hid behind some bushes as they all laughed and drank alcohol. “We just need to wait until they all pass out so I can get that laptop and return all the energy.” Hisoka whispered to me, and we nodded and watched the guys drunkenly talk and drink more, but they remained awake for a while.

“This is taking too long, we need to knock them out.” Hisoka says, and I say, “How can we do that?” He thinks for a moment, before making a shadowy baseball bat. “We’ll have to fight them until they get knocked out. It should be easy if we sneak up on them.” He explains, and I nod. He hands me the bat and I sneak around to the other side, raising the bat and knocking out one of the men. I look up and see Hisoka knock the other two men, and the bats phased through our hands like sand.

He dashed over to the laptop and started typing different things to help turn the power back on. I looked around, making sure no one would try to ambush us. A small chime came from the laptop and I looked at Hisoka, who looked proud of himself. “Come on, let’s take the computer and get out of here before they wake up.” I say, and Hisoka gets up, computer in hand. Just as we get closer to the school, we see a large thing fly out of one of the buildings and far into the forest.

We look at each other and dash towards the USJ. Just as we were about to reach the building, Hisoka falls over and coughs violently.


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