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~chapter 10~

"I'm going away for a week" I laugh at my Uncle as he hugs me at the airport.

"I know Cara. I'll miss you the house will be too quiet" he says kissing my cheek and a tall figure looms towards us, I look up to see Grayson, "come on Cara" he says

"I'm coming!" I say pulling away from my Uncle who kisses my cheek and passes me my suitcase from behind him, "bye Cara"

"Bye Ted!" I say walking up to Grayson who is wearing a hoodie with grey sweats and his hair is a messy nest on his head

"You look cute today" he comments as we walk to the rest of the group and I giggle as I look down at my flip flops slapping the terminals floor

"Right is everyone here?" Says Mr Grayson next to a few other teachers and I put my phone in my pocket feeling excited and nervous

A week in Italy is just what I need right now

"Ladies and gentleman we will be landing in Marco Polo Airport in Venice in five minutes. Please put on your seatbelts and prepare for landing"

"Excited?" Says Loren and I look at her nodding as we feel the plane tilt to the side and I get a glimpse of the scenery down below

"Grayson!" I snap as I look at a fast asleep Grayson, not a care in the world as a bit of drool comes out of his mouth, "What? I'm up!" He says

"We're landing in five minutes!" I scold and he nods closing his eyes again which makes me roll my eyes, leaning my head back on Loren's shoulder.

We manger to land safely in the airport and after several baggage delays and getting checked out on by cute Italian boys we made it to the hotel. 

"So how are you liking Italy Miss Delores?" Says a deep voice from behind me and I feel the Italian evening breeze pick up slightly

"It's beautiful, I can't wait to see it in daylight" I say looking around to see where Loren is and I smile as I see her laughing with the group.

"Tomorrow we are going to explore Venice and maybe go to that café I told you about- the one from my painting" he says

"Oh cool!" I say eying him up and down, hoping he doesn't notice too much due to the darkness but I can't help my wandering eye

"We should get back to the group" he says and I nod pushing off the railing as we look down at the parked up gondolas floating in the river

"Ciao Bella! Cara!" Says Grayson and I smile at Mr Romano to which he nods as I walk over to Grayson who eyes me suspiciously before shoving ice cream in my face.

"Try this cherry and chocolate Gelato!" He says and I take the spoon from his hand and I lean my head back moaning, "that is better than sex"

"Better than sex with me?" He says referring to when we did it twice and I scrunch my nose up realising that Mr Romano is behind me

"Maybe" I joke winking and he slaps my arm taking the spoon from me and continues to dig into the chocolatey heaven.

"Mr Romano's watching you" says Aaliyah winking at me as she whispers into my ear, the hairs on my neck stand up as I turn around.

"Shit" I curse and she stifles a giggle as he walks towards us and I lick my lips getting rid of the aftertaste of chocolate.

"Girls it's time to head back" he says gesturing to the direction of the hotel and we both nod as we head off follow everyone else

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