chocolate croissant

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~chapter forty six~

I didn't sleep much that night, either it was to do with three different factors that are in turmoil in my mind right now.

Either it has something to do with my new feelings for Salvatore- which involve me falling in love with him.

Or perhaps the fact that I feel bad for Salvatore and I would hate to see someone I love in that vulnerable position.

Lastly, it could be as simple as jet lag.

But I doubt it's the latter to be honest.

I sigh in frustration as I kick off the bedsheets and I try not to wake a sleeping Salvatore, he needs the rest more than I do.

I walk downstairs and I go into the kitchen to grab a glass of water but my curiosity piques as I make my way down the stairs sipping on ice water.

I know this is probably bad and I shouldn't be doing this at four o'clock in the morning but I can't stop myself from opening the door.

The sound of his father lightly breathing makes my heart stop and I hear a few quiet beeps in the background.

My feet slightly slap against the floor and I sit on the chair beside his fathers body and I can't help but notice the similarities between Salvatore and his father.

His father has an older looking face of Salvatore with a beard with grey hairs peppered in it, a few wrinkles and the same caramel complexion.

I sigh as I look at his father, Matteo Romano and I can't imagine him waking around and potentially killing others, he looks so lifeless.

I stand up and realise what I'm doing is probably weird and I quietly exit the room with tears shedding at the back of my eyes.

I take a sip of my water and head back upstairs and I get back into bed wiping my damp eyes with my hands, hoping I haven't woke Salvatore.

I crack one of my eyes open and I put my arm over Salvatore's waist and I kiss his shoulder blade before I close my eyes trying to sleep.

I guess people are right.

You sleep better when you have cried.

I tie my hair up into a ponytail and keep my pyjamas on and decide to head down to breakfast.

The smell of food invites me into the dining room and there is a large spread of food covering the table which makes my mouth water.

"Buongiorno" Salvatore says wrapping his arms around my waist and he kisses the back of my neck making me gain arousal.

"Morning Salv" I smile and we both take a seat at the table and I can't help but dig in to the array of small chocolate pastries and fruits.

I chew on my chocolate croissant as Salvatore pours himself a cup of coffee and he frowns when he notices my large eye bags gracing my face.

"You didn't sleep well?" He asks me picking up his coffee and taking a sip and I shaky head finishing off chewing.

"Jet lag"

I say and he nods not looking convinced but I don't want him to worry about if I'm sleeping or not, he has bigger things than my health to worry about.

"I'm fine, really Salv" I reassure him and I touch the top of his hand and he squeezes it back and continues drinking his strong black coffee.

"Any news on my father Antonio?" He says and Antonio looks up from his cigar and shakes his head and I notice how he is already dressed in a suit.

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