venice girl

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~chapter 19~

Everyone found it soon enough- it was pretty much circulating around the entire academy- Mr Romano has temporarily left.

"Look maybe it wasn't meant to be, he could be doing you a favour by leaving" says Loren rubbing my shoulder and I sigh

"He kissed me multiple times and I know he kept on telling me we would never work but I didn't think he meant it" I say confused

"He's doing the right thing Cara, I know you're upset but you have us and many other hot men" says Aaliyah passing me an onion ring

"I sound like a whiny bitch" I say to myself and Grayson nods his head and I stick my tongue at him and he kisses my cheek

"See you have Grayson" says Loren and I scrunch my nose up at Grayson who is biting his lip and running his hands through his hair

"How rude!" Says Grayson in a mock English accent and I chuckle as I lean my head against his chest making him smile proudly.

The next few days seemed to be painful, I was always thinking about him and what could've been. Weeks turned into months that seemed to pass by very slowly.

I know I sound like a desperate petty bitch but the fact that he has just ran from me and all his problems makes the situation ten times worse.

My friends have helped me through it and things with Grayson have been progressing slightly and we don't seem to have much meaningless sex now.

He's a great guy and there are always butterflies when I'm around him but the feelings I had with Mr Romano were much different.

School was a lot more boring than before but I decided to continue with Art club which was now took over by a middle aged art teacher.

And of course the legendary Art fundraiser was coming up and I had to buy a nice outfit as influential people would be coming to support and buy our work.

I put on my midnight blue dress and slipped on some dark heels, curling my hair and applying some lipstick, me and my Uncle leave finally.

"Will Grayson be there?" He asks me nudging my side with a wink as I lift up the bottom of my dress and I roll my eyes

My Uncle Ted looks very dapper in his black suit and I smile to see that he is wearing dress shoes and my heart swells as I see he has put effort into tonight.

"I think so, I did invite him" I say as we pull away and I wring my hands together wondering if anyone will take interest in my painting.

Once we pull up at school I get out and walk into my school building that is all lit up like a gig but the sparking fairy lights create a pretty atmosphere

"Excited?" My uncle asks me as we enter the hall where most of the work will be is displayed and I nod biting my lip looking for Grayson.

"Hello beautiful" says a voice from behind me and I smile as I see Grayson in a dark black tux looking very handsome with his slicked back hair.

"Oh hi, you look good" I say pecking his lips and he smiles encircling my waist with his hand and I smirk at the gesture

"Uncle we'll see you later" I say and my Uncle nods as he picks up a glass of non alcoholic champagne and winks at me

"Have fun" he says clapping Grayson's broad shoulder and he nods at my Uncle leading me towards the buffet table.

"Great selection here, there's olives, cheese, crackers, grapes and even chocolate" he says plucking a grape from the stalk.

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