you mean so much to me

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~chapter forty five~

The plane doors open and I sigh to myself, everything is so different now to when I last came here, most specifically things between me and Salvatore.

"Welcome back to Venice" Salvatore says taking my hand and we walk down the steps of his private jet and we get led to a black Rover like Uncle Ted's.

"Unfortunately we are here for saddening circumstances" Salvatore scoffs and he thanks the driver.

We pull away from the jet straight away and compared to America, in Venice it is morning, so I know the jet lag will catch up to me.

Salvatore's hand rests on my thigh as we drive away from the airport and the golden Italian sun shines through the tinted windows.

It takes us about an hour of driving until we reach a huge mansion with a water fountain at the centre of the drive, where I'm guessing Salvatore grew up in.

"Home, sweet home" he says cutting through my millions of racing thoughts and I look over at his pained expression.

"I'm here for you" I say touching his hand that hasn't moved for the whole car journey and he gives me a small smile.

"It means a lot that you came" he replies and he kisses my lips making the driver divert his attention to us making Salvatore flick him off.

The car halts to a stop outside the mansion and the driver opens my door and I hold Salvatore's hand as we walk up the steps to the house.


Shouts a deep voice and we both look up at a bedraggled man with honey coloured skin, black stubble dressed in a shirt shirt with blood splatters.

"Antonio?" Salvatore announces and he lets go of my hand we both rush up to the man that looks like he has been dragged through hell and back.

"Salvatore come, it's your father, he's just had surgery to get the bullet taken out- his life is on the line" he announces and his eyes flicker over to me.

"Ciao Mi amor" he says and Salvatore walks over to me and grabs my hand, "take me to my father Antonio, we will do the pleasantries later" he says

"Of course" Antonio says and he runs ahead of us and opens the doors to the grandiose mansion covered in gold and marble decorations.

"Just this way, I'm sure you remember Salvatore" says Antonio and I look over at an upset Salvatore but I don't ask him right now.

I need to stay strong for him

We walk down a staircase until the smell of disinfectant is present and I realise this house has a hospital underneath it.

"He's asleep right now but the doc said he is stable other than a few heart murmurs" he says to Salvatore and we sit down

"Where did the bullet hit him?" He asks Antonio who rubs his hand down his tired looking face and he sighs

"There were two bullets, one grazed his shoulder and the other went into his lungs which could affect your father badly due to how important lungs are"

"Thanks Antonio" Salvatore grimaces and I squeeze his hand to let him know that I'm still beside him and I hate to see Salvatore so down.

A man dressed in a blue scrubs leaves the room that Matteo Romano is resting in and he removes his gloves covered in blood.

"Salvatore Romano" he adresses my boyfriend and Salvatore looks up at the doctor who smiles at me and looks at him.

"Sai cos'è successo?" Asks the doctor and Salvatore nods pinging to Antonio who sends him a small smile.

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