he broke your heart didn't he

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~chapter forty eight~

I shuffled uncomfortably and the sound of crickets in the background was the only noise.

"I think it's best if you go back to America" he says looking over at me and I look up at the starry, midnight sky full of constellations.

I sniffle and nod as I wipe my eyes with my arm and I try not to break down and sob in front of him.

"Yeah I probably should, if this isn't going to work" I say sadly and he doesn't say anything but I watch as the smoke from the cigarette swirls into the sky.

"I think we knew it wasn't going to last, let's be realistic"

"Right" I say feeling my heart clench at his emotionless words and I sigh and I watch as he stands up stamping his cigarette.

"You don't blame me for his death, do you?" I ask him and I feel the wind around us blow and he sighs


My breath hitches in my mouth and I look up at him hopefully and grateful that he didn't think I choked his father to death or something.

"I expect you to leave first thing tomorrow on my fathers private jet" he says

"I'll just buy my own ticket, I don't want to use your fathers jet in spite" I say and he shakes his head and offers me a hand up

"Please it's the last thing I can do for you" he says and I nod in defeat and one scary thing that I think of is,

The minute I get on that plane, everything I ever had with Salvatore will he left behind...

It will be like a dream

"I'm so sorry about your father" I say trying not to think of his violent coughing fit and how his last words where said in anger over me

Even if Salvatore denies it, a part of me will always blame myself for Matteo Romano's death

Even if Salvatore does ever forgive me, I will always remember how he left this world- I'd practically driven the man to his grave

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart, I didn't keep my promise" he says wiping a tear from under my eyes and my lip wobbles.

"I guess we both lied to each other then" I say and he leans in but I move my head away knowing it won't help if I kiss him goodbye.

"Goodnight" I say and he nods

"Goodnight Mia Cara" he says sadly and walks off in the opposite direction from the house, and I watch his tall figure retreat.

I blink back my tears and head into the house walking past Antonio who gives me a sympathetic smile and I smile back.

I run upstairs and my head hits the pillow and tears spill from my eyes as I reminisce on every single good moment I've had with Salvatore.

He was like my forbidden fruit- my secret, my comrade, someone to confide in and most importantly my first lover.

I cry my eyes out and I tug on the pillow as the wind blows in and the sounds of Salvatore screaming and crying in the distance soothes me.

I close my eyes and cry myself to sleep and the sounds of shouting and crying ceases once my tears are shed and my heart is officially broken

I pull my suitcase down the stairs with the help of Antonio and my eyes meet Salvatore who is stood with his arms folded.

His eyes are bloodshot and red, I notice how is usually immaculate, gelled black hair is now disarray and almost like he has tore on it.

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