migliore amico

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~chapter thirty three~

I worked myself up all day for tonight, I told Uncle Ted I was staying over at Loren's for a few hours and he was overworking tonight so he didn't mind.

The thought of being painted again by Salvatore caused all the butterflies to return and this time, it would be more sensual.

It wouldn't just be a painting that was for a 'competition' it would be something that we would both cherish, it would benefit us,

Not some old man that owns an art gallery hundreds of miles away

Pulling myself together at lunch I smile pathetically at Grayson who is still sporting his sunglasses, and is now hanging round with his gang friends.

He gives me a grimace and goes back to talking with some guy with tattoos and peroxide blonde hair.

"Dick" I mutter under my breath and take my lunch tray over to everyone else, noticing Aaliyah's absence.

Ever since Grayson came back to school with a black eye things have been very awkward and weird with my group.

I think Aaliyah still feels guilty and is sulking over Grayson, who is still giving her no attention, and I still feel bad about what happened.

Loren, Brittany and Lucas are ok with me but for some reason Lucas is not speaking much resulting in Brittany mothering him.

"Hi" says Loren placing her milkshake down and I put my art workbook on the table smiling at everyone.

"Hi" I say back and then after that all I hear is silence and it annoys me, yes, Grayson got beat up and he's hanging around with the schools 'hoodlums' but there's no reason to sulk around.

"Guys seriously this is pissing me off, did someone like suck all your energy out of you?" I ask them and Lucas scoffs.

"Look I feel bad for what happened to Grayson, but he's handling it in his own way and..."

"Cara, we're not upset about that. Me and Brittany found out about you and Mr Romano" he says cutting straight to the point

"Oh right" I chuckle awkwardly and I look at Brittany who is fiddling with her fingers in her lap, avoiding my gaze.

"We're not together or anything we're just taking things slow and waiting for things with him and Angeline to blow over..."

"Mr Romano is very attractive but this is wrong" says Lucas and I look at him feeling super confused

"Why do you care" I whisper and he looks around, and I notice that he is looking at Grayson.

He waves at Grayson who nods back, "Gray kind of likes you and we are just upset that you prefer Mr Romano- well I am" he finishes

"Well Grayson and me, we just didn't work out before but with Mr Romano I feel like there is much there" I say

"I don't think there's a problem Lucas, she's over eighteen, they're both adults, let them" Brittany defends me and Lucas sighs

"Ok but that's how I feel" he grumbles rubbing his hand through his blonde hair and I watch as he shrugs off his letterman jacket.

"Excuse me I have to get to soccer" he says and Brittany smiles at him, he kisses her lips quickly and walks off with his jacket over his shoulder.

"Ugh, everyone seems to hate me" I sigh stuffing my canvas into my bag, not really wanting to show off my work to my friends anymore.

"Oh don't listen to him Cara" she waves her hand.

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