midnight shenanigans

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~chapter 26~

A knock on my window jolts me awake.

I open my eyes and imagine a kidnapper or a murderer outside my window.

With my heart in my mouth I unpeel the covers from my sweating skin and I walk over to the window using my phone as a torch.

I snatch open the curtain looking down at the courtyard below and I see a face hidden in the shadows looking up at me.

My heart lurches and I have to put my phone on the persons face and when I see that it's Salvatore I nearly squeal in delight.

Half asleep still my eyes widen and I whisper in a loud toe to him down below, "why are you here?" I ask him

"Ciao Mia Cara! Can you come down?" He shippers and I look down at him in a leather jacket and I nod but I panic a bit.

"My Uncles asleep so be quiet, where are we going?" I ask him and he puts his finger over his mouth and winks

"A secret" he says and I roll my eyes at his midnight shenanigans but I feel excitement pulse through me as he's here, away from school and all our troubles

I take off my pyjamas and put on a thin white shirt with no bra and a pair of black jeans with my Chanel pumps.

I open my door which squeaks and I cringe at how loud it is and I tread downstairs hoping my Uncle is out like a light.

I open the front door and tread on the gravel which crunches under my soles and I see Mr Romano who leans against the wall casually.

"Hello beautiful" he says to me smiling and I hug him feeling his scratchy stubble against my forehead

He kisses the corner of my lip but I pull him closer to me and he chuckles and kisses me softly on the nose, "eager are we?"

"Very. You awoke me from my beauty sleep so this better be worth it and I also have a calculus exam tomorrow..." I reprimand him.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek, "I'm sorry angel, I wanted to take you somewhere" he says with puppy dog eyes and I give in.

"Fine Mr Romano" I say and he slips his hand around my waist and takes me to his car which is parked around the corner from my house.

"Are you going to keep where we are going a secret forever?" I ask him and he chuckles with a blank expression

"You'll find out soon enough" he says and I feel his professor mode slip into action which make me tingle with want.

I get into his car and we pull away from my house that is now in the darkness due to all the lights that are now off.

I watch his five o'clock shadow drive in the drakes and we pull out onto the highway and I listen to the radio playing Beyoncé in the background.

"Where we are going was one of my favourite places to go when things were rough, it was the place I came to when I found out about the mafia"

"I can't believe your father is an Italian gangster" I say and he hums under his breath, his hands grip the steering wheel.

"I couldn't either. But it explained why he came home shouting about losing out on deals and why he kept a gun under his pillow every night"

"How old were you when you found out?" I ask him and he looks over at me and let's out a deep breath before he answers.

"Twelve. My mother didn't want me to know until I was eighteen. He told me after the accident" he says and I feel my heart burst with sympathy.

"You don't have to tell me you know" I say reaching over to touch his hand on the gearstick and he send me a toothy smile.

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