lvi. blood and water

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❝ 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 ❞

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Everything had happened so fast. She couldn't think clearly, she couldn't see, she couldn't hear. All she felt was pure, hot, fury devouring her very being, dominating every inch and every particle in her body like an inferno from hell; red, blinding, consuming wrath. It consumed Vera entirely, and for a short while, she didn't care...but that feeling diminished all too quickly and she was soon engulfed with shock. Vera didn't understand how such rage could blind her from doing the sensible thing. Vera didn't understand how everything could go so she could ignore every bit of her innocent feä screaming at her to stop. But that innocence was long gone.

Vera still couldn't hear anything as she closed her chamber doors behind her and locked it. She couldn't feel, she couldn't think, she couldn't see. Rapid tears of waterfalls pour from her eyes uncontrollably, leaving her blind and unaware of where she is going or what is happening around her. Her eardrums beat roaringly with the blood rushing through her system as her heart beats faster than she ever thought possible. She was shaking, she could tell, and on the brink of collapsing on her very spot but her determination to remove any hint of her crime on her. She needed to gather herself together, to get her head back in the real world...but the disbelief and horror of what she had committed leaves her vulnerable.

What has she done? How could she have done this?

Sobs racked her body, which she attempts to muffle out with her hands, but slowly retracts it as her eyes focus on the substance staining her hands. Blood; red and thick and traumatizing. It covers her hands, completely hiding her ordinary skin color behind the dense fluid, and camouflages itself on the blackness of her gown. Yet Vera can clearly see the redness contrasting against the darkness of her dress, giving away Vera's guilt in the crime committed minutes ago. She needed to burn it, she needed to leave, she needed it all to stop.

What happened that night would change Vera forever. And it all started with her mother.

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"What did you do?!"

That statement was the first thing Vera said after bursting through the hinged doors of the wooden shack by the borders of Edoras, secluded and away from curious eyes. The location was rather perfect for the actions that would occur from Vera's anger and slightly dangerous as it plants itself farther away from the walls of Edoras and the people living in it. No one would be able to hear them, no one would be able to see them, and no one would be able to witness the upcoming events. In fact, Vera had previously faced difficulties in locating the shack for the darkened shadow and the cover of the forest trees was enough to hide it from plain sight. 

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