lxii. pin-drop

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"WE'LL PLACE THE RESERVES ALONG THE wall. They can support the archers from above the gate."

Helm's Deep is, in short words, in disarray. Vera could barely walk properly with the numerous Rohirrim passing her by and moving in the narrow spaces to reach the caves where most of the people are being evacuated, namely women and children. In Vera's opinion, she thinks that women who are just as capable and have great expertise in sword-fighting or surviving despite their title as a woman — as the people of Rohan like to hide the women away like they are useless — could contribute to the battle willingly as compared to unwilling men who are more incapable to fight and lose their lives, either too young or too old. However, Vera has no real power and command over the people of Rohan...that power lies with the King, leaving her with a grumbling headache and a tightly-knit mouth, ready to explode at anyone at any moment.

The spaces are narrow and close together, crowded with the Rohirrim as several guards line up the walls and guide the women and children into the caves as quickly as they can with time running short. Vera is starting to sweat from the mass of body heat collectively gathering and exuding from the people, therefore causing her to grow more desperate to escape the crowd. The mermaid had just left from her conversation with Thèoden, where he had walked her down the halls of Helm's Deep and discussed fondly about his son and her late cousin, creating a bond and new friendship between the two that surprisingly came naturally to them. Gamling had come to inform Thèoden about certain matters regarding the women and children, which quickly led to the dampening of Thèoden's mood and a reminder of the coming army, and Vera's inevitable escape from the conversation — where she felt more awkward as time passed — to find Lord Aragorn and her friends, and to help with the provisions and safety.

However, Vera was desperately trying to find her family from the cramped corridors and is growing more frustrated when she does not catch sight of them after a long time of searching. She could not catch sight of Èmiliya or her cousins, nor could she catch sight of Trewyn. Overhearing conversation from a passing group of women, Vera soon learned that every able man will be forced into battle, no matter their age or skill with a blade. They need men and they need them now, meaning that Thèoden is willing to force elderly men who could carry a sword and younger lads who can shoot an arrow. Vera did not like that factor one bit as it only adds more fuel to the growing burn inside her that stems from her rising anger, especially at the thought of Èothain or Edmund joining the battle at such a tender age. She is sure that Elfswith and Aldwin will be more than open to fighting for their people one last time but it doesn't make the fear any less horrid.

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