Biyomon Gets Fire Power

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Recap: We were trying to go to sleep then suddenly we're being attacked by Seadramon and Gabumon was the only one who could digivole into Gaurumon. Then we went to sleep.
T.k's P.O.V

So we just woken up from our nap and are continuing to walk around the Digital World.

Cleopatra is in front of me and she looked off as we passed signs until I slipped on something and fell down then Tai picked me up and Matt told me to be more careful. I agreed and walked to Cleopatra while partially ignoring the conversation the older kids were having.

Back to Cleo's P. O. V

"Moving right along folks, keep it moving. Our next stop on the tour would be the forest of irrelevant road signs. No pictures, please." Matt said, imitating a tour guide, making everyone laugh.

"Hey, wait up, my shoe lace is broken!" Joe called.

"You need new shoes. Ohh, new shoes!" Mimi said.

"Look, telephone poles! I say we follow them and see where they lead." Matt said as we all looked to see a clearing that was a desert with all the telephone poles with no connecting wires.

"It'll just lead to trouble." Joe said.

"Look, it's the alien saucer again!" Izzy said.

"And it's heading for a close encounter!" Matt said and the gear crashed into a green mountain, so we all just shrugged it off and started walking again.

'So let me just say that walking in the desert is a very STUPID IDEA!'

Pretty soon we were all panting from the heat, sweat trickling down our faces and I really just wanted some water or pass out.

"Boy, it's so hot I can feel the heat coming up through my socks!" TK whined.

"Well, TK, maybe you should put your shoes back on." Matt said.

"Oh, this hot desert air is destroying my complexion! How much further is it?" Mimi whined.

"Is that all you're worried about, Mimi? We'll be lucky if we even survive this hike!" Joe cried.

I was panting as I walked; my face flushed and was struggling to stay on my own two feet.

"Cleo, are you OK?" TK asked as he walked up beside me.

"I've never been outside for this long. It also doesn't help with the outfit I'm wearing." I said glaring at my sleeves.

"That's it! The sun has baked our brains! We're gonna wind up like roasted piglets!" Joe exclaimed as he fell to his knees.

"Just remain calm, Joe, we've only been walking for two minutes." Izzy said making me look up in surprise.


"Izzy, come here, Izzy." Tentomon said beckoning the red head over.

"I think we better find some shade for Joe and quick. Plus, it seems like Cleo isn't fairing too well, either." Tentomon said as he looked back at me and Izzy looked over too.

"You won't believe what happened to my favorite watch." Mimi said as she smiled cheerfully and held up a compass.

"What?" Joe asked.

"The sun melted the numbers right off." Mimi said.

"Mimi, for somebody who hates hiking, you sure have a lot of compasses." Tai said as the needle on the compass started going crazy.

"Of course none of them actually work." Tai said as Izzy picked up some of the sand and looked it over.

"Oh, this dirt contains small traces of metal that could affect the compass needle." Izzy said.

"Oh, well. I'm always late anyway." Mimi said.

'Ha! That was actually funny! Alright, she's not the worst person I've met.'

"This is one weird world and I don't like it one little bit." Sora said staring up at the sky.

"I think we should start looking for water guys, otherwise we could dehydrate in all this heat." Izzy said which made TK look over at me knowing he was checking to see if I was being affected, I smiled trying to appear normal even though my face was flushed.

"I've taken a soil sample, measured the barometric pressure, and analyzed the relative humidity." Izzy said.

"And what did you find out?" Sora asked.

"...It's really, really hot." Izzy said.

'Imma strangle him. NO DUH!' I thought with an eye twitch

"Hang on just a little longer. Don't give up now." Tai said.

"We're gonna be OK, just keep moving along." Mimi said.

"My head is baking. If this goes on too much longer, I'm going to look like a wilted salad." Palmon said as Mimi took off her hat and placed it on the lizard plant's head.

"Here, you wear my hat for a while. You need it more than I do." Mimi said.

'That's adorable'. The heat was getting unbearable so I took off my sweatshirt. I instantly felt better, I look down at my chest and fix my top and shorts. Even though I'm 12 I'm a little more developed than some other girls my age.

"Wait; hold on for just a second everybody." Tai said when he saw something in the distance and walked over to matt, pulling out his mini telescope to get a better look.

"If I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing..." Tai trailed off.

"What is it, Tai?" Izzy asked.

"Did you find the Flying Dutchmen?" I asked making TK giggle.

"It's not a mirage. It's real water." Tai said making everyone perk up hopefully.

Everyone then ran to a village that Tai saw the water in,When we finally reached the village, we got the surprise of our lives so far this day to see a bunch of Yokomon were the ones living there and the village was really tiny.

The Yokomon were all very interested in us humans and I was still pretty tired so I sat on the ground and laid down, but then a huge flame burst out of a well and TK was the only one who wasn't fazed by it.

'I hate life'

Meramon, a digimon that looked like a monster version of the Human Torch kept crying out in pain about his body hurting from the flames, which was weird since he was made out it.

Sora told us all to stand completely still as he got closer, setting the forest on fire as he did so and finally Tai yelled at us to run and we headed over to the lake, that was drained of water and boarded the boat that was there, all of the Yokomon running on with us.

I was still tired as I was helped up to the boat by the others as Sora, Tai, TK, Izzy, and their digimon ran over to Biyomon, who was still up on the hill helping make sure all of the Yokomon were on the boat when Meramon came and started attacking them.

We all looked over to see how the fight was going so far.

Meramon had knocked back all of the digimon that were attacking him and each of the attacks were making him grow in size.

Sora was on her knees looking like she was ready to give up and Biyomon looked at her worried before she got this determined look on her face and turned to face Meramon.

Biyomon was soon covered in white light as she digivolved.

"Biyomon digivolve too...BIRDAMON!"

Birdramon was a huge red bird and she was awesome as she fought Meramon and we soon saw that there was a black gear that we had seen before that had made him act all crazy.

After Meramon apologized for the trouble, the Yokomon treated us to some weird bird seed looking food as water that I was happy about.

I finally got to nap and put back my sweatshirt on. I was so thankful to the Yokomon!

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